How to find a case by writ of execution number

For what debts is information provided?

Information can be obtained on any debt. The exception is situations related to a ban on the disclosure of personal or government data. For example, if the case concerns personal information or the reputation of the plaintiff or defendant. In such cases, some details will be viewable only by participants in the process. Situations of this type are rare. Restrictions are imposed, as a rule, on the basis of requests from lawyers.

Attention! The completeness of the information provided may depend on the resource used. Extended information can be obtained on the FSSP website. The Gosuslugi portal provides only general data without any specifics.

What to do if the amount of debt is not indicated on the FSSP website?

If information about the amount of debt is not available on the FSSP website, the following reasons can be established:

  • there are no grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings - the court decision has not entered into legal force or the creditor has not filed an application;
  • debt obligations have been repaid;
  • There were technical problems in the information system.

A citizen can personally inquire about the circumstances of the implementation of a court decision from the bailiff by contacting the institution at his registration address. After the court decision is transferred to the FSSP, the citizen receives a written notification with the information:

  • regarding the amount of debt, methods of payment;
  • about the bailiff;
  • contact information about the location of the territorial branch of the collection service and the telephone number of the official.

Attention! A debtor who is aware of the results of court proceedings can obtain information on the official website of the FSSP or on the State Services portal after authorization in his personal account.

When is it necessary to search for enforcement proceedings?

After a court decision is made, the plaintiff has the opportunity to obtain a writ of execution. This is a document that gives him the right to forcibly collect obligations from the defendant. Some debtors, until a certain moment, do not know about the existence of their debt and about the decision made by the court, and accordingly do not know how and where to view the writ of execution from the bailiffs on the FSSP website.

The need to find an individual entrepreneur arises in the following cases:

  1. Violation by the court of the deadlines for notifying the defendant about the existence of a debt that arose as a result of the verdict.
  2. The defendant lacks registration (permanent and temporary), as a result of which the executors are not able to serve him with a notice.

Citizens have the right to check themselves or their company for debt at any time at their discretion. It is recommended to carry out additional checks in the following cases:

  1. When planning a trip abroad. Due to debt, citizens may be limited in traveling abroad.
  2. In case of violation of payment terms. In this case, the payer is subject to a penalty in the amount of 5% of the debt amount, but not less than 500 rubles.
  3. To eliminate the possibility of debt, which is necessary in order to protect against the risk of bailiffs taking measures to forcibly collect obligations, for example, confiscation of property or seizure of bank accounts.

Can an error occur?

Sometimes people find out they have debt but don't understand where it came from. In certain situations, erroneous accrual may occur. It is not advisable to wait for debt information to go missing, so it is advisable to take effective measures to eliminate erroneous information.

Information about court payments, like other debts, is processed within 10 days. After making the payment, there is a high probability that information about the debt will not disappear too quickly, so you need to wait 10 days and only then contact the portal representatives.

If incorrect information initially appears, it is initially recommended to contact the FSSP to find out about the existence of a court order or writ of execution. If indeed an error is displayed on State Services, you will have to contact the technical service of the portal, explaining the situation to them. You can even write an official statement on the basis of which the verification is carried out. If an error is detected, incorrect information is promptly removed from the taxpayer’s personal account.

Consequences of being in the register of debtors

Entering a citizen into the register of debtors is associated with a number of possible consequences.

What are the consequences of unpaid debts?

The presence of unpaid debts by a citizen may cause bailiffs to seize his property, as well as funds stored in his bank accounts and deposits.

It is also possible to face criminal liability (up to 3 years in prison) for the following violations:

  • failure to pay child support for minor children or disabled parents;
  • malicious evasion of payment of loan obligations;
  • carrying out illegal actions in relation to property to which measures for compulsory collection have been applied (inventory, arrest) or which is subject to confiscation;
  • failure to comply with court requirements.

Seizure of accounts

The presence of open enforcement proceedings entails the seizure of the debtor's accounts and the forced debiting of funds from them in favor of the creditor. Movable and immovable property may also be subject to seizure and confiscation. The exception is the debtor's only housing, his personal belongings, pets, food for them and some other property, the list of which is determined by law.

For what debts can travel abroad be restricted?

Travel abroad may be limited if an individual has the following debts under a writ of execution:

  • outstanding obligations for alimony payments, compensation for damage to human health or harm in connection with the death of the breadwinner, as well as moral damage caused as a result of criminal acts, if the amount of debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles;
  • unfulfilled non-property obligations;
  • other obligations in the amount of 30 thousand rubles or debts in the amount of 10 thousand rubles, if the payment is overdue for 2 months.

Deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle

Deprivation of the right to drive a car is possible if you have the following debts in the amount of 10 thousand rubles:

  • for alimony payments;
  • for compensation for damage to human health;
  • for compensation for damage in connection with the death of the breadwinner;
  • for compensation for damage caused as a result of criminal acts;
  • to pay off penalties for evading compliance with non-property requirements for raising children;
  • to pay off penalties for traffic violations.

The following situations are exceptions:

  • the restriction deprives the debtor of his only source of income;
  • the use of a car is necessary for the debtor and his family members to ensure their own livelihoods, given the limited transport accessibility of their permanent place of residence;
  • the debtor or his relative uses the vehicle for transportation purposes due to a disability;
  • the debtor was granted an installment plan or deferment to fulfill the requirements specified in the writ of execution.

Ways to check the writ of execution and enforcement proceedings

There are several methods for testing IL and production:

  • obtaining information from the FSSP department;
  • obtaining information using special Internet services.

Do I have a writ of execution - how can I find out from the bailiffs?

On the executors’ resource, you can find information about the availability of a writ of execution by creating a request using the data available to the user:

  • by the last name of the debtor or by the name of the legal entity (depending on the status of the debtor);
  • by production number;
  • by the number of the executive document.

Attention! All of the above data are interconnected in the FSSP database. Having information on one of them, you can get acquainted with information on the others.

How to find out the debt under a writ of execution to bailiffs

You can get acquainted with data on the presence of debt on individual entrepreneurs online using the following methods:

  • using the database on the FSSP website;
  • on the portal "State Services";
  • on the website "Justice";
  • on the portal of the magistrate or arbitration court.

To get information about the existence of enforcement proceedings via the Internet, the user does not have to be a debtor, while to obtain information offline, you need to come to the FSSP office with a passport to confirm your identity.

Information that can be found from the writ of execution

In the bailiffs database you can find the following information:

  1. Defendant's details: full name, date and place of birth (for individuals) or name, legal and actual address (for legal entities).
  2. Information about the individual entrepreneur: number, date of initiation.
  3. Details of the writ of execution: type, date of preparation, number, name of the court that issued it.
  4. Date, reason for the end or termination of the individual entrepreneur, indicating the article, part, point of the basis.
  5. Service
  6. Subject of execution, amount of outstanding debt.
  7. Details of the bailiff department: name and address.
  8. Data of the bailiff.

How to view a writ of execution by number

To view the writ of execution by number, you need to:

  1. Go to the data search service on the FSSP website using the link:
  2. Select the search method “Search by ID number”.
  3. Select the territorial body of the FSSP.
  4. Enter the number of the executive document.
  5. Select the type of executive document.
  6. Enter the name of the court that issued the writ of execution.
  7. Click the “Find” button.

Information about the specified IL will appear on the screen, indicating its number:

How to find a writ of execution by last name

To find an IL by the defendant’s last name, you need to:

  1. Go to the search service on the FSSP website using the link:
  2. Select the search method “Search for individuals.”
  3. Select the territorial body of the FSSP.
  4. Enter the last name, first name and patronymic of the citizen.
  5. Indicate your date of birth.
  6. Click the “Find” button.

Information about the presence or absence of outstanding obligations of the specified individual will appear on the screen:

How to find out the debt to the Social Insurance Fund?

Reading time: 3 minutes(s) In accordance with Article 34 of the Tax Code, taxpayers are required to transfer contributions to extra-budgetary funds on time. This also applies to the Social Insurance Fund, to which both organizations and some citizens must make monthly payments. If you have debts, you need to pay them off as quickly as possible. Finding out the amount will not be difficult: the Social Insurance Fund carries out debt verification in several ways.

Obligation to pay contributions

If someone hires a person who is subject to compulsory social insurance, he automatically becomes an insured. Until the 15th day of each month, he will have to pay contributions to the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia for the employee. The following may act as insurers:

  • organizations and enterprises;
  • individual entrepreneurs hiring employees;
  • individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, but hire other people for a fee.

Specialists who are engaged in private practice must also transfer money to the Fund. These could be lawyers, doctors, real estate appraisers and representatives of other professions.

Reasons for debt formation

The reasons for the appearance of a debt are not always intentional, when an organization or individual maliciously evades payment. In many cases, debt arises due to accounting errors or accidentally missing payment deadlines. A common reason is the difficult financial situation of taxpayers.

Methods for checking debts

Even if the debt arose for good reasons, you should not delay repayment. Together with fines, the size of which can reach 40%, the amount sometimes turns out to be impressive. Therefore, it is worth finding out the debt to the Social Insurance Fund as early as possible and settling accounts with the Fund. There are several ways to check your debts:

  • visit the official website of the FSS;
  • register on the State Services portal and receive the necessary information through it;
  • send a written request by mail (response must be given within 5 days);
  • come to the Foundation branch in person with your passport.

The fastest and most convenient way is to obtain data on the FSS website. Access to them is provided to both employing organizations and individuals. In both cases, you need to register a personal account and send a request. The response in the form of an electronic request arrives within 1-2 days. Just by last name, as, for example, on the FSSP website, you won’t be able to find out about debts.

Repayment methods

You can pay off your debt at any bank branch. The details are in the notification sent by the FSS. Payment is also possible through the “Public Services” website and any online banking services.

Consequences of non-payment

At the initial stage, inspectors send notices to debtors. They contain information about how much debt the policyholder has at the beginning of the billing period. It also indicates the deadline within which the money must be transferred, and the consequences of failure to comply with the requirements.

If the debtor ignores them, a fine of up to 40% of the debt may be imposed. Those who delay payments or have accumulated large debts can be sued by the FSS. Based on the writ of execution, funds are debited from accounts without acceptance. If they are not there, the bailiffs seize and sell the debtor’s property.

Certificates of no debt

Sometimes both citizens and organizations may need a certificate of absence of debts to the Social Insurance Fund. There is a certain procedure for obtaining such documents.

How to get a?

A contribution payer who needs a certificate must submit an application to the Social Insurance Fund. It is written in any form or on a special form, submitted in person or through postal services. Fund inspectors must respond within ten days. Depending on which option the applicant chooses, the certificate can be given to him in person or by mail.

Where can I find a sample application?

You can download the application template for a certificate here:

Checking debt to the Social Insurance Fund is a process that will not take much time. In most cases, people do not need to visit the Foundation in person: almost everything can be done online.

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Where to find a writ of execution by case number

Sometimes the court makes a decision on a case without the participation of the plaintiff and defendant. Based on the results of the process, a writ of execution is drawn up. It can be provided not to the claimant, but to FSSP employees. In this case, both parties (both the plaintiff and the defendant) are interested in obtaining information about the document number and the amount of claims. You can find the necessary information on the performers’ website or on the resources of the FSSP departments in the regions of Russia.

How to find a court decision on a writ of execution by the number of the writ of execution

It is difficult to check a writ of execution based on a court decision through a standard search from bailiffs. This is due to the fact that the databases of bailiffs and courts are not interconnected.

Despite the fact that the courts are responsible for publishing information about decisions made, searching for a case by writ of execution number requires some time. The procedure is carried out in two stages:

  1. On the FSSP resource or on the State Services portal, find information about the individual entrepreneur, the number of the judicial act and the name of the court.
  2. Enter the act number in the appropriate cell on the court resource and familiarize yourself with the contents of the document.

Attention! If there is no information about the verdict on the website of the judicial authority, it is recommended to contact the office with a request to familiarize yourself with the case materials.

The following have the right to access the case materials:

  • participants in the process;
  • their official representatives and lawyers;
  • prosecutor.

How to find out the number of enforcement proceedings by the number of the court case?

To find out the number of the enforcement proceedings by the decision number, you need to use the service of the Justice website by clicking on the link:

Then you will need:

  1. Indicate the date of receipt.
  2. Enter the decision date.
  3. Indicate the date of entry into force of the judicial act.
  4. Select a subject of the Russian Federation.
  5. Select court level.
  6. Select the name of the judicial body.
  7. Enter case number.
  8. Enter the judge's last name.
  9. Indicate the article or category of the case.
  10. Select production stage.
  11. Indicate the result of the case.
  12. Select cases with the text of the judicial act.
  13. Click the “Find” button.

Attention! Information about the case can be entered in whole or in part, depending on the degree of knowledge of the necessary information.

Check enforcement proceedings by writ of execution number

To get acquainted with the individual entrepreneur by IL number, you should search for this information on the FSSP website. To do this you need:

  1. Go to the data search service on the performers’ website using the link:
  2. Select the search method “Search by ID number”.
  3. Select the territorial body of the FSSP.
  4. Enter the number of the executive document.
  5. Select document type.
  6. Enter the name of the judicial authority that issued the document.
  7. Click the “Find” button.

Information about the enforcement proceedings will appear on the screen:

Where can I see the number of the writ of execution?

To get acquainted with the IL number, you should use the service on the official resource of the performers. To do this you need:

  1. Go to the search service on the FSSP website using the link:
  2. Select the search method “Search for individuals.”
  3. Select the territorial body of the FSSP.
  4. Enter the last name, first name and patronymic of the citizen.
  5. Indicate your date of birth.
  6. Click the “Find” button.

Information will appear on the screen indicating the number of the writ of execution:

How to find out what the writ of execution and debt are for?

There are several ways to find out the cause of the debt:

  1. On the official resource of performers using the search service by last name and date of birth. As a result, information about the type of debt will appear on the screen.
  2. On the portal “State → “Judicial debt”.
  3. On the “Justice” website, indicating the court and case number.
  4. On the court's website you can find the contents of the verdict by indicating its number.

Is it possible to find out the recoverer and the reason for the recovery by the number of the writ of execution?

To obtain information about the claimant, it is recommended to contact the FSSP branch or use the search service on the website

For residents of other regions, information is provided on the websites of regional and city courts.

How to find and check enforcement proceedings by number?

You can find an individual entrepreneur by number on the State Services portal or on the FSSP website.

The search procedure on Gosuslugi consists of several stages:

  1. Go to the website using the link
  2. Log in to the system. To do this, you need to enter your phone number, password and click the “Login” button.
  3. Enter the “Services” section.
  4. Go to the “Security and Law and Order” section.
  5. Select the “Judicial Debt” section.
  6. Select a service.

To search for an individual entrepreneur by number on the performers’ website, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the search service on the FSSP website using the link
  2. Select the search method “Search by IP number”.
  3. Enter the enforcement proceedings number.
  4. Click the “Find” button.

The necessary information will appear on the screen:

How to recognize a bailiff from a writ of execution?

All necessary information about the bailiff can be obtained by searching for individual entrepreneurs in the database on the official FSSP resource:

How to check the status of a writ of execution and its execution by bailiffs?

Information about the dates of initiation and termination of IP is displayed in the database of debtors on the official resource of the executors:

How to find out about the end of enforcement proceedings?

After completion of the proceedings, the bailiff sends a corresponding notice to the plaintiff and defendant. But in some cases, the parties need to check the status of the document themselves. You can do this in the following ways:

  1. Through the portal "State Services". In your personal account, you can set settings to receive notifications about changes in the amounts of debts under writs of execution and about the completion of proceedings in the form of emails. However, please note that this information is often displayed incorrectly.
  2. On a personal visit to the bailiff. You can get information about reception hours on the website of the FSSP department. The name of the bailiff conducting the proceedings can be found at the reception desk of the FSSP department.
  3. Using the database on the official website of the FSSP, using the search service. To do this, you need to indicate the full name, date of birth of the debtor and region.
  4. Using the FSSP or Gosuslugi mobile applications.

Attention! Some banks notify clients about the removal of seizure from their accounts by sending SMS messages with the corresponding content. For example, from Sberbank such notifications come from number 900.

Checking the writ of execution through the FSSP mobile application

Link to download the FSSP application for mobile devices running on iOS:

Link to download the FSSP application for mobile devices running Android:

In the FSSP mobile application, users are given the opportunity to search for proceedings in the debtor database in the following categories:

  • individual;
  • entity;
  • production number.

Checking the debt under the writ of execution through the FSSP branch

The responsibility for enforcement of court decisions is assigned to the FSSP authorities, therefore the necessary information on IL can be obtained directly from the bailiff. This method is associated with certain disadvantages:

  • time spent on a visit to the FSSP department;
  • the opportunity to receive advice only during reception hours, according to the work schedule of the bailiffs;
  • having to wait in line to get an appointment.

Debt bailiff information system

On the electronic portal of the FSSP, a citizen can obtain information about the enforcement case opened against him. To do this, you will need to enter the personal data of the debtor or the enforcement proceedings number. The information will not be displayed in the system if the case is not yet in progress.

Without authorization in your personal account, a citizen will only have access to information about the total amount of debt. After registering on the official website of the FSSP, details of the debt will open.

By logging in using your username and password, the debtor can view:

  • with a court ruling on forced collection of the debt amount;
  • with the contents of the writ of execution;
  • with the personal data of the bailiff conducting the case;
  • the address of the location of the territorial office of the service.

Note. The main purpose of the bailiff information system is to provide information at the request of individuals or legal entities.

Tracking the status of the writ of execution in Sberbank

If the debtor is an individual, you can check the status of the writ of execution in Sberbank as follows:

  1. Go to the Sberbank website using the link:
  2. Enter case number.
  3. Indicate the date of adoption of the act.
  4. Enter the account number to be credited.
  5. Enter the code from the picture.
  6. Click the “Check” button.

Attention! On the Sberbank website you can check the status of a writ of execution received by the bank after June 17, 2021, if at least 1 day has passed since its submission.

If the debtor is a legal entity, a number of actions should be performed to check the status of the writ of execution:

  1. Go to the Sberbank website using the link:
  2. Indicate the series and number of the writ of execution.
  3. Indicate the account number of the collector.
  4. Enter the code from the picture.
  5. Click the “Check” button.

Attention! You can check writs of execution no earlier than 1 day after their receipt, but no later than 4 months.

Repayment of debt under a writ of execution

The debt under the writ of execution can be paid in the following ways:

  1. Using the “Pay” button on the official website of the FSSP. It is located next to the production information. A bank card is used for payment.
  2. By bank card in the Gosuslugi mobile application. To do this, you will need to enter your card details and confirm the payment by entering the code from the SMS message.
  3. In cash or by bank transfer at any bank branch. A payment notice with payment details should be obtained from the bailiff or generated using a special service on the FSSP website.
  4. Using the “My Payments” service on the website.
  5. Through payment terminals.

Attention! Within 3 to 7 days from the date of payment, the record of the debt is deleted from the FSSP database or the amount of the debt is reduced if the obligations have been partially repaid.

How and where can I find out more?

Information about the amount of debt can be found by calling the hotline of the territorial division of the Federal Bailiff Service.

To obtain the information of interest, a citizen will need to introduce himself and provide the details of an identity document.

Before making a visit to an employee of the Federal Bailiff Service, who is handling a collection case, a citizen needs to call this employee and agree on the time of the visit.

Practice shows that employees of the Federal Bailiff Service are loyal to citizens who cooperate and are ready to meet with the citizen at a convenient time.

Currently, there are the following ways to clarify the amount of debt:

  • during a personal visit to an employee of the Federal Bailiff Service;
  • on the official website of the Federal Bailiff Service;
  • in the mobile application;
  • in your personal account on the government services portal.

Measures to terminate enforcement proceedings

If you find yourself on the list of debtors, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  1. Pay the debt in full.
  2. Request an installment plan for repayment of obligations and pay the debt in part.
  3. Agree with the bailiff on possible options for phased payment of the debt.
  4. Discuss with the creditor the possibility of concluding a settlement agreement or a restructuring or refinancing agreement.
  5. Submit an application to the arbitration court with a request to declare yourself bankrupt.
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