Returning a washing machine

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Currently, according to the Consumer Rights Protection Law (CPLA), the buyer can return a washing machine of good or bad quality back to the seller and receive money.

Returning a defective washing machine

  • During the warranty period
  • Within 2 years after the warranty period
  • After the warranty period after 2 years from the date of purchase

Returning a quality washing machine:

  • Within 14 days
  • After 14 days

How to return a washing machine to the store

Every day a person purchases any goods without being at all interested in his rights as a buyer. It’s not scary when you buy an inexpensive, low-quality product that you don’t mind throwing away. The problem usually arises when purchasing expensive products, such as a washing machine.

Such items are rarely purchased, so the consumer may not know all the nuances and legal delays of returning goods if they purchased a low-quality or defective product.

A washing machine is one of the industrial products of increased complexity. Therefore, actions to return it fall not only under the relevant articles of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, but also Regulation No. 55, which sets out a list of goods of good quality that cannot be returned to the sales outlet. The washing machine is included in this list.

Let's consider the options in which the buyer may want to return the purchased product back:

  1. I didn’t like the model, it didn’t fit in the bathroom, I didn’t like the color and similar statements;
  2. When unpacking the product, significant defects were discovered and there was an obvious defect;
  3. During operation, shortcomings in operation were discovered: it does not spin, does not drain or collect water, does not wash well, etc.;
  4. Broken down during use.

Under the first point, in most cases, the buyer’s claims in the store will not be considered. In other cases, you should contact the retail outlet to request the return of the equipment.

If the buyer has no complaints about the quality of the product, and the washing machine has not been unpacked or used, the seller can meet and exchange the equipment or return the money for it. But this is more an exception to the rule than a natural solution to the problem.

The only exception is equipment purchased through an online store, since the buyer could not see the samples. In this case, claims are considered within a week from the date of purchase.

If defects are detected, the buyer must contact the retail outlet with a corresponding statement. This can be done both within 14 days from the date of purchase and during the warranty period.

Returning a quality washing machine

If after purchasing the washing machine you do not like the washing machine due to some characteristics, then it is possible to return it.

Returning the washing machine within 14 days

According to current legislation, the seller is not obliged to return money for goods that do not meet any specifications. The consumer can only exchange the product for another. But, if another product also does not meet the specifications, the buyer may demand a refund. Most often, in practice, the buyer may not be satisfied with another similar product.

Return period

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 25 of the PLA, the return period for a high-quality washing machine is 14 days, not counting the day of purchase.

Refund period

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 25 of the PZPP, the deadline for returning funds paid is 3 days from the date of receipt of the request.

Who can make a claim?

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 18 of the PZPP, demands for the return of the amount paid and refusal to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement can be presented to the seller of the washing machine.

Return Policy

Return of goods of proper quality can be carried out under the following conditions:

  • the product does not fit in size, shape, color, style, size or configuration;
  • the product has not been used;
  • all labels, seals, consumer qualities and presentation are intact;
  • on the day of contact there is no similar product that would fit its characteristics.
  • A similar product is not available for sale on the day of contact.

Required documents

To make a return, the following documents are required:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • contract of sale;
  • document confirming the purchase of the washing machine (cash or sales receipt, non-cash payment receipt).

According to paragraph 5 of Art. 18 of the PZPP, the absence of a document that certifies the fact of purchase (cash, sales receipt or non-cash payment receipt) is not a basis for refusing to satisfy the request for a refund. You can refer to witness testimony. Those. The washing machine can be returned without a receipt.

Proof of return circumstances

The seller must make sure that the goods have not been used and that all labels and seals have been preserved.

Actions of the buyer if the seller agrees to return

  1. Negotiate with the seller or his authorized representative.

Currently, sellers are increasingly customer-oriented in order to return money for a washing machine even without an obvious defect. Therefore, the first thing you should do when you come to the store is to contact the seller with a problem. Usually, even if the seller agrees to return the goods, a number of additional procedures are required.

  1. Write an application to return the goods

It is necessary to draw up a legally correct application and terminate the contract of sale of goods.

Sample application for returning goods of good quality
  1. Returning a quality washing machine

The buyer must return the goods of proper quality to the seller. In this case, the costs of returning the goods are borne by the buyer himself.

  1. Get money

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 25 of the PLA, the period for returning money is 3 days from the date of submission of the claim.

Returning a washing machine of poor quality

Typically, equipment malfunctions are discovered during its operation. The exception is dents and scratches on the case discovered after delivery. In this case, it is advisable to unpack and install the unit in the presence of store representatives in order to immediately point out any shortcomings.

If defects are detected during direct use of equipment, it is worth clearly distinguishing between two periods:

  • 14 days from the date of purchase;
  • Warranty period.

Situations often arise when the seller does not agree with the buyer's statement. If the client is confident that he is right and the equipment has significant shortcomings, he should contact the store with a complaint. At the same time, it should be sent to several other important structures: the prosecutor’s office, Rospotrebnadzor and other similar authorities. You should also notify the management of the retail outlet about this.

If the buyer’s statement is justified, in order to avoid further development of the conflict and unnecessary costs, the store prefers to part with the dissatisfied customer peacefully. The merchant must respond to a correctly drawn up complaint within 10 days from the date of its filing. Therefore, you should definitely register it.

If there is no response or it does not correspond to the claims presented, the applicant can safely go to court.

Returning a washing machine of good quality

The buyer will not be able to return an unsuitable washing machine, based on his right to return an item he does not like within 14 days from the date of purchase. This paragraph of the Law “On Consumer Rights” does not apply to complex equipment that has a warranty period for service. This type of equipment includes a washing machine.

Therefore, if the buyer has the following complaints:

  • The color didn't match;
  • They didn’t notice that there was no ironing function;
  • I want a different model, not this one;
  • It looks ugly in the kitchen and other similar statements; he will not be able to return the equipment to the store. Maybe the seller will make concessions, but this is unlikely. Therefore, look for flaws or obvious shortcomings in the machine and then you can present something to the store.

Return within 14 days by law

During the initial inspection, the purchased equipment may not have caused any complaints. But if serious defects are discovered that prevent further use of the product, the buyer has the right to contact the store with the following requirements:

  1. Refund of spent funds within 10 days from the date of application;
  2. Replacement of a defective product with a similar one, in the absence of a corresponding model, with an equivalent one with the possibility of compensating for the difference in cost;
  3. Repair of equipment under warranty or recovery from the store of funds spent on repairing equipment on one’s own initiative;
  4. Request a reduction in the value of the product in proportion to the existing flaws.

The buyer must formalize his wishes with a corresponding statement, which is provided to the store. The return of equipment is registered by an act drawn up in the presence of representatives of the retail outlet and certified by their signatures.

Copies of documents confirming the fact of purchase are attached to the application. The absence of a receipt is not grounds for refusal to accept an application.

What if the seller refuses?

So, if the seller does not want to return your money for the product or change it, or do an examination, then you need to write a claim in free form, in which you state all the requirements, indicating the reasons. If the seller refuses to accept a written claim, then you need to send a claim letter by mail with return receipt requested. Then we wait within 10 working days. If there is no response from the seller, then contact:

  • to the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights;
  • to the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Protection;
  • or to court.

We contact the first two authorities with a letter in free form, asking for help in the current situation. Well, you must go to court in the established procedural form with a statement of claim. This is best done by a lawyer, so in this case you will have to contact him. A properly drafted document will reduce the time spent on proceedings.

After filing a complaint, if the seller responds to it and makes contact with you, you must proceed depending on what the response to the complaint will be. Most likely, the seller will offer to deliver the machine to the retail outlet where it was purchased, or to a special service center for examination.

For your information! The seller can provide free delivery of the car to the place of examination. If the machine does not work due to the fault of the seller, he is obliged to pay all costs.

Having delivered the machine to the service center, you must receive in return a certificate of acceptance of the washing machine for examination. The act must have a date; in addition, it must contain all the necessary details: signatures, seals, etc.

Having handed over the car and received the certificate, we just have to wait for the expert’s opinion. The examination is carried out within a reasonable time; if the seller delays the examination, then in the future he can be required to reimburse the costs associated with the delay. The following are possible options:

  1. the washing machine has a defect due to the fault of the seller/manufacturer - we have the right to demand the exchange of the product for a similar one, a refund, free repair;
  2. the washing machine broke down as a result of the user’s actions - the money will not be returned to us and the goods will not be exchanged, but we retain the right to demand an independent examination, and if refused, we can go to court;
  3. The washing machine was damaged due to the fault of third parties, for example, power surges, poor-quality water supply services, etc. – we have the right to go to court, where we will prove the guilt of third parties and bring them to civil liability.

When can I return or replace a car under warranty?

If you mistakenly accepted the washing machine from the seller without noticing any defects (major or minor), within the first 15 days from the date of purchase you can return the washing machine to the seller and ask for a refund or exchange the machine for a similar one. In this case, it is very important that the defect is obvious and does not arise through your fault, for example, due to incorrect self-connection.

Note! When purchasing a machine online, the return and exchange period for the washing machine is 7 days.

If the seller doubts that the defect arose through his fault, he has the right to take back the goods for examination. And then the consequences will come according to the results indicated in the examination, unless, of course, you go to court and demand an independent examination to confirm that the car broke down through no fault of yours.

If there are no defects, you cannot return the washing machine to the store even within fifteen days. The fact is that the machine is a technically complex piece of equipment, and without obvious breakdowns it cannot be returned or replaced. You can clarify all the nuances by reading the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, paying special attention to Articles 18, 19 and 22. Thus, you can only return the money or replace the machine:

  1. if there is a serious defect within 15 days;
  2. through the court, if the examination proves that further operation is impossible and repairs are not advisable.

In other cases, you can only count on free repairs under the warranty card.


Various manufacturers of washing machines provide warranty periods for their products, that is, the period of time during which the washing machine must work with proper operation. Warranty periods may vary, and the warranty period for a washing machine may differ from the warranty period for its individual components and assemblies. For example, the manufacturer provides a warranty period for an LG washing machine for 3 years, and the warranty for the engine of this machine can reach 10 years. So, what are the warranty periods for cars:

  • Bosch and Siemens washing machines – 2 years;
  • Atlant washing machines – 2 years;
  • Indesit washing machines - 1 year.

These warranty periods are mandatory for fulfillment by the retail outlet selling the washing machine. The seller cannot arbitrarily reduce the warranty period determined by the manufacturer.

For your information! For equipment manufactured for different countries, the manufacturer may provide different warranties.

When buying equipment, look at the warranty period in the coupon; sellers, while praising the product, may deliberately inflate it. And don’t forget to put stamps on the warranty, otherwise later the service center may refuse free repairs.

So, what should you do if your washing machine breaks down a little time after purchase? The answer would seem obvious - return it to the seller and collect the money. But it's not that simple. The manufacturer sets a warranty period for the machines, confirming that if their equipment breaks down during this period, they will either repair it or replace it free of charge. But, unfortunately, many sellers are in no hurry to fulfill the obligations given by the manufacturer and in every possible way hinder the implementation of your legal rights. In this situation, it is necessary to defend your rights.


  • Warranty period and conditions for the dishwasher
  • Reviews of Atlant washing machines
  • 10 years warranty for LG washing machines
  • Is it worth doing repairs to electronic modules yourself?
  • Indesit washing machine rattles during spin cycle
  • Malfunctions of a semi-automatic washing machine with a centrifuge


  1. 02/27/2018 at 21:52


    Hans washing machine. After 5 months the bearing rattled. They took it in for repair under warranty. They said your part has arrived. 3 weeks have passed and they say it’s not ready. Our service is very bad.


  2. 04/23/2018 at 13:36


    The same hansa! From the first days I heard the bearing making noise. But the master doesn’t hear. Now we are tormented by proving that the defect still exists.


  3. 06/28/2018 at 23:17


    The service is simply disgusting. At first it took 3 months to find out who was to blame and now it’s been 4 months of repairs. Conclusion: an additional guarantee is a waste of money!


  4. 09.25.2018 at 17:32


    Washing machines are made to last for 3 years, and only if the machine is made without defects. But unfortunately, in Russia it is impossible to buy a good thing other than the C400.


  5. 03/03/2020 at 21:39


    My Beko machine worked for 15 years before it broke down. The bearings rattled. My son has the same one - 17 years old, but after 7 years he changed the heating element. I bought Atlant a year ago and have already given up.


Return under warranty

After the 15th day of purchase, the goods can be presented to the seller on the basis of warranty obligations.

Do not forget about the special “status” of the washing machine. Therefore, convincing the store to accept it back or replace it is very difficult.

In any case, it’s worth a try, but only if serious defects are discovered that prevent it from being used for its intended purpose.

The possibility of returning or exchanging a product arises under the following circumstances:

  1. The product has obvious shortcomings that prevent it from being used for its intended purpose;
  2. A technical defect can be corrected, but at the expense of significant financial investments and time;
  3. After returning from warranty repairs, breakdowns are repeated or new defects are discovered during the warranty period;
  4. Untimely return of equipment from warranty repairs or repairs were not carried out at all within the established period of 45 days;
  5. Regularly subject your washing machine to warranty service.

The seller may be reluctant to agree to a refund or exchange of goods. Therefore, your wish must be supported by a correctly drafted claim. It is worth insisting on an examination, which is carried out at the expense of the seller.

If the seller refuses to carry it out, the buyer can carry it out at his own expense, keeping all the necessary receipts. If the fault of the outlet is proven, the merchant will have to reimburse these expenses.

When sending goods for examination, it is necessary to notify the seller and draw up a report. Ideally, it will be signed by the applicant and representatives of the store. The document describes:

  • General characteristics of the product: color, volume, dimensions;
  • Specifications and serial number;
  • Flaws, defects and technical malfunctions.

A seller who is concerned about his reputation will agree to exchange the goods or return the money. In most cases, the buyer will be offered free warranty service. The personal file of the injured client agrees or not. But on the other hand, why do you need an expensive thing that constantly breaks at home?

Therefore, if the seller does not want to resolve the conflict peacefully, a claim should be submitted to the store. After such a document, store managers become more accommodating.

Returning a defective washing machine

Reasons why a washing machine may be considered poor quality:

  • Manufacturing defect;
  • Defective coverage;
  • Malfunction of individual elements or parts;
  • Other defects that prevent full use of the product.

The following fundamental circumstances affect the return of the washing machine:

  • Is there a warranty, its duration and whether it has expired;
  • Is there a standard service life and has it expired?

Returning a low-quality washing machine during the warranty period

If a defect is detected, you can do the following:

  • According to paragraph 1 of Art. 18 of the PLA to demand full compensation for losses caused by defective goods;
  • According to paragraph 1 of Art. 18 of the PLA, demand a refund for the washing machine, refusing to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement;
  • According to paragraph 1 of Art. 18 of the PLA to demand compensation for the difference between the price of the goods at the time of satisfaction of the claim and the cost of the goods according to the purchase and sale agreement.

How many and what shortcomings are not important in this case. If the defects did not arise through the fault of the buyer, he has the right to return the goods with any defect.

Return deadlines

According to para. 1 clause 1 art. 19 PLA, the period for returning the washing machine in this case = any period before the expiration of the warranty.

Refund period

According to Art. 22 ZZPP return money for a washing machine of inadequate quality, for which the warranty has not expired = 10 days from the date of presentation of the claim.

Who to make demands on

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 18 of the PLA, demands for the return of the amount paid and refusal to execute the purchase and sale agreement can be submitted:

  • an authorized individual entrepreneur or an authorized organization – i.e. persons authorized by the seller or manufacturer to accept and satisfy customer requirements for goods of inadequate quality.
  • seller - an organization that sells goods to consumers under a sales contract, regardless of its organizational and legal form, as well as an individual entrepreneur;

According to paragraph 3 of Art. 18 of the PLA, demands for return can be made:

  • importer - an organization that imports goods into the Russian Federation for their subsequent sale;
  • to the manufacturer - the manufacturer of this product;

Required documents

To make a return, the following documents are required:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • contract of sale;
  • document confirming the purchase of the washing machine (cash or sales receipt, non-cash payment receipt).

According to paragraph 5 of Art. 18 of the PZPP, the absence of a document that certifies the fact of purchase (cash, sales receipt or non-cash payment receipt) is not a basis for refusing to satisfy the request for a refund. Those. The washing machine can be returned without a receipt.

Proof of the circumstances of the marriage

According to para. 2 clause 6 art. 18 of the PLA, if there is a warranty, the seller or his authorized person is responsible for all defects of the washing machine, unless he proves that they arose:

  • After transfer of the goods to the buyer;
  • Due to violation by the buyer of the rules of transportation, storage or use of the goods, as well as due to the actions of third parties or force majeure circumstances.

Actions of the buyer if the seller agrees to return

  1. Negotiate with the seller or his authorized representative.

Currently, sellers are increasingly customer-oriented in order to issue a refund for a defective washing machine if there is an obvious defect.
Therefore, the first thing you should do when you come to the store is to contact the seller with a problem. Usually, even if the seller agrees to return the warranty product, a number of additional procedures are required.

  1. Write a claim to return the goods

It is necessary to legally correctly draw up a claim demanding termination of the contract of sale of defective goods.

Sample claim for return of goods of inadequate quality
  1. Returning a defective washing machine

If the seller refuses to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement, then the buyer or his authorized person has the right to demand the return of the defective washing machine to the store. At the same time, according to paragraph 5 of Art. 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the costs of returning the goods are borne by the seller or his authorized person.

  1. Get money

The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • According to Art. 22 of the PZPP, the period for returning funds is no more than 10 days from the date of presentation of the claim;
  • According to paragraph 5 of Art. 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, when returning the amount paid to the buyer, the seller does not have the right to withhold from it the amount of money by which the value of the goods has decreased due to its full or partial use, loss of marketability or other circumstances;
  • According to paragraph 4 of Art. 24 of the PLA, the buyer may demand compensation for the difference between the cost of the goods at the time of purchase and the price at the time of return;
  • According to paragraph 6 of Art. 24 of the PZPP, in the case of purchasing goods through a consumer credit or loan, the seller must return to the buyer, in addition to money, the interest paid and other payments under the loan agreement.

Buyer's actions if the seller does not agree to return

  1. Write a claim to return the goods

It is necessary to legally correctly draw up a claim demanding termination of the contract of sale of defective goods.

Sample claim for return of goods of inadequate quality
  1. Product quality check

The seller or his authorized person checks the quality of the goods based on the following conditions:

  • The inspection period is up to 10 days from the date of filing the claim;
  • All inspection costs are borne by the seller;
  • The buyer may participate in the inspection.
  1. Quality examination

If, after checking the quality of the product at the previous stage, the seller believes that the defects cited in the complaint arose due to the fault of the consumer, then the seller must conduct an examination of the washing machine based on the following conditions:

  • The inspection period is up to 10 days from the date of filing the claim;
  • All inspection costs are borne by the seller;
  • The buyer may be present during the inspection.

After this, the seller must familiarize the buyer with the results of the examination. In this case, the consumer can challenge the expert opinion in court.

According to paragraph 5 of Art. 18 of the PZPP, if as a result of the examination it is revealed that the defect occurred due to circumstances for which the seller is not responsible, the buyer is obliged to reimburse the cost of the examination, as well as all other costs associated with it (storage and transportation).

  1. Go to court

If the seller refuses to satisfy the consumer’s demands pre-trial, then it is necessary to go to court. Conducting cases in court requires the participation of a qualified lawyer. Therefore, you should contact a professional.

  1. Execution of a court decision

If the buyer wins the court case, and the seller refuses to voluntarily comply with the court decision, then the consumer can take one of the following actions:

  • Contact the bank where the seller has an account and send there the enforcement document;
  • Contact the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation, which is entrusted with the functions of enforcing judicial acts.
  1. Get money

The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • According to Art. 22 of the PZPP, the period for returning funds is no more than 10 days from the date of presentation of the claim;
  • According to paragraph 5 of Art. 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, when returning the amount paid to the buyer, the seller does not have the right to withhold from it the amount of money by which the value of the goods has decreased due to its full or partial use, loss of marketability or other circumstances;
  • According to paragraph 4 of Art. 24 of the PLA, the buyer may demand compensation for the difference between the cost of the goods at the time of purchase and the price at the time of return;
  • According to paragraph 6 of Art. 24 of the PZPP, in the case of purchasing goods through a consumer credit or loan, the seller must return to the buyer, in addition to money, the interest paid and other payments under the loan agreement.

If the washing machine is returned through legal proceedings, then:

  • The court decision establishes the amount of recovery;
  • The return period is regulated by legislation on enforcement proceedings.
  1. Returning a defective washing machine

If the seller refuses to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement, then the buyer or his authorized person has the right to demand the return of the defective washing machine to the store. At the same time, according to paragraph 5 of Art. 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the costs of returning the goods are borne by the seller or his authorized person.

Return of a low-quality washing machine after the warranty period for 2 years

If the warranty period has expired or is not established, the consumer can still return the defective washing machine to the store.

If any defects are found, the buyer may:

  • According to paragraph 1 of Art. 18 of the PLA to demand full compensation for losses caused by defective goods;
  • According to paragraph 1 of Art. 18 of the PLA, demand a refund for the washing machine, refusing to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement;
  • According to paragraph 1 of Art. 18 of the PLA to demand compensation for the difference between the price of the goods at the time of satisfaction of the claim and the cost of the goods according to the purchase and sale agreement.

How many and what shortcomings are not important in this case. If the defects did not arise through the fault of the buyer, he has the right to return the goods with any defect.

Return deadlines

According to clause 1, clause 5 of Art. 19 of the PLA, the period for returning the washing machine in this case is 2 years from the date of delivery.

Refund period

According to Art. 22 ZZPP return money for a washing machine of inadequate quality, for which the warranty has not expired = 10 days from the date of presentation of the claim.

Who to make demands on

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 18 of the PLA, demands for the return of the amount paid and refusal to execute the purchase and sale agreement can be submitted:

  • an authorized individual entrepreneur or an authorized organization – i.e. persons authorized by the seller or manufacturer to accept and satisfy customer requirements for goods of inadequate quality.
  • seller - an organization that sells goods to consumers under a sales contract, regardless of its organizational and legal form, as well as an individual entrepreneur;

According to paragraph 3 of Art. 18 of the PLA, demands for return can be made:

  • importer - an organization that imports goods into the Russian Federation for their subsequent sale;
  • to the manufacturer - the manufacturer of this product;

Required documents

To make a return, the following documents are required:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • contract of sale;
  • document confirming the purchase of the washing machine (cash or sales receipt, non-cash payment receipt).

According to paragraph 5 of Art. 18 of the PZPP, the absence of a document that certifies the fact of purchase (cash, sales receipt or non-cash payment receipt) is not a basis for refusing to satisfy the request for a refund. Those. The washing machine can be returned without a receipt.

Proof of the circumstances of the marriage

According to para. 1 clause 6 art. 18 PZPP and clause 5 of Art. 19 of the PLA, the consumer must prove that the defects arose before the delivery of the washing machine.

Actions of the buyer if the seller agrees to return

  1. Negotiate with the seller or his authorized representative.

Currently, sellers are increasingly customer-oriented in order to issue a refund for a defective washing machine if there is an obvious defect.
Therefore, the first thing you should do when you come to the store is to contact the seller with a problem. Usually, even if the seller agrees to return the warranty product, a number of additional procedures are required.

  1. Write a claim to return the goods

It is necessary to legally correctly draw up a claim demanding termination of the contract of sale of defective goods.

Sample claim for return of goods of inadequate quality
  1. Returning a defective washing machine

If the seller refuses to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement, then the buyer or his authorized person has the right to demand the return of the defective washing machine to the store. At the same time, according to paragraph 5 of Art. 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the costs of returning the goods are borne by the seller or his authorized person.

  1. Get money

The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • According to Art. 22 of the PZPP, the period for returning funds is no more than 10 days from the date of presentation of the claim;
  • According to paragraph 5 of Art. 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, when returning the amount paid to the buyer, the seller does not have the right to withhold from it the amount of money by which the value of the goods has decreased due to its full or partial use, loss of marketability or other circumstances;
  • According to paragraph 4 of Art. 24 of the PLA, the buyer may demand compensation for the difference between the cost of the goods at the time of purchase and the price at the time of return;
  • According to paragraph 6 of Art. 24 of the PZPP, in the case of purchasing goods through a consumer credit or loan, the seller must return to the buyer, in addition to money, the interest paid and other payments under the loan agreement.

Buyer's actions if the seller does not agree to return

  1. Write a claim to return the goods

It is necessary to legally correctly draw up a claim demanding termination of the contract of sale of defective goods.

Sample claim for return of goods of inadequate quality
  1. Product quality check

The seller or his authorized person has the right to check the quality of the goods based on the following conditions:

  • The inspection period is up to 10 days from the date of filing the claim;
  • All inspection costs are borne by the seller;
  • The buyer may participate in the inspection.

If the seller refuses to check the quality, then you should proceed to an examination of the quality of the washing machine.

  1. Quality examination

If, after checking the quality of the goods at the previous stage, the seller believes that the defects cited in the complaint arose due to the fault of the consumer or the seller refused to check the quality of the goods, then according to clause 6 of Art. 18 of the PLA, the buyer, at his own expense, must conduct an examination of the washing machine to establish the causes of the defects.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 18 of the PLA, if as a result of the examination it is revealed that the defect occurred due to circumstances that occurred before the transfer of the goods to the buyer, the seller is obliged to reimburse the cost of the examination, as well as all other expenses associated with it (storage and transportation).

After this, the buyer must familiarize the seller with the results of the examination. In this case, the consumer can challenge the expert opinion in court.

  1. Go to court

If the seller refuses to satisfy the consumer’s demands pre-trial, then it is necessary to go to court. Conducting cases in court requires the participation of a qualified lawyer. Therefore, you should contact a professional.

  1. Execution of a court decision

If the buyer wins the court case, and the seller refuses to voluntarily comply with the court decision, then the consumer can take one of the following actions:

  • Contact the bank where the seller has an account and send there the enforcement document;
  • Contact the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation, which is entrusted with the functions of enforcing judicial acts.
  1. Get money

The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • According to Art. 22 of the PZPP, the period for returning funds is no more than 10 days from the date of presentation of the claim;
  • According to paragraph 5 of Art. 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, when returning the amount paid to the buyer, the seller does not have the right to withhold from it the amount of money by which the value of the goods has decreased due to its full or partial use, loss of marketability or other circumstances;
  • According to paragraph 4 of Art. 24 of the PLA, the buyer may demand compensation for the difference between the cost of the goods at the time of purchase and the price at the time of return;
  • According to paragraph 6 of Art. 24 of the PLA, in the case of purchasing goods through a consumer credit or loan, the seller must return to the buyer, in addition to money, the interest paid and other payments under the loan agreement.

If the washing machine is returned through legal proceedings, then:

  • The court decision establishes the amount of recovery;
  • The return period is regulated by legislation on enforcement proceedings.
  1. Returning a defective washing machine

If the seller refuses to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement, then the buyer or his authorized person has the right to demand the return of the defective washing machine to the store. At the same time, according to paragraph 5 of Art. 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the costs of returning the goods are borne by the seller or his authorized person.

Returning a low-quality washing machine after the warranty period after 2 years from the date of purchase

According to paragraph 6 of Art. 19 of the PLA, if the defect in the product cannot be eliminated or repairs are not made within 20 days, the washing machine can be returned.

Return deadlines

According to paragraph 6 of Art. 19 PZPP, a return can be made within:

  • Product service life;
  • If the service life is not established, then within 10 years from the date of transfer of the goods to the consumer.

Refund period

According to Art. 22 ZZPP return money for a washing machine of inadequate quality, for which the warranty has not expired = 10 days from the date of presentation of the claim.

Who to make demands on

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 18 of the PLA, demands for the return of the amount paid and refusal to execute the purchase and sale agreement can be submitted:

  • an authorized individual entrepreneur or an authorized organization – i.e. persons authorized by the seller or manufacturer to accept and satisfy customer requirements for goods of inadequate quality.
  • seller - an organization that sells goods to consumers under a sales contract, regardless of its organizational and legal form, as well as an individual entrepreneur;

According to paragraph 3 of Art. 18 of the PLA, demands for return can be made:

  • importer - an organization that imports goods into the Russian Federation for their subsequent sale;
  • to the manufacturer - the manufacturer of this product;

Required documents

To make a return, the following documents are required:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • contract of sale;
  • document confirming the purchase of the washing machine (cash or sales receipt, non-cash payment receipt).

According to paragraph 5 of Art. 18 of the PZPP, the absence of a document that certifies the fact of purchase (cash, sales receipt or non-cash payment receipt) is not a basis for refusing to satisfy the request for a refund. Those. The washing machine can be returned without a receipt.

Proof of the circumstances of the marriage

According to Art. 6 19 of the PLA, the consumer must prove that the defects arose before the delivery of the washing machine.

Actions of the buyer if the seller agrees to return

  1. Negotiate with the seller or his authorized representative.

It is necessary to contact the seller and explain what the defect is and how it manifests itself. Then you need to offer to repair the product. Sometimes at this stage the seller agrees to return the money.

  1. Write a claim for free elimination of defects

If the seller does not want to return the money, then it is necessary to file a claim for gratuitous elimination of the defects.

If the demand is not satisfied within 20 days or the defect cannot be repaired, then in accordance with clause 6 of Art. 19 PZPP you need to apply for a refund.

  1. Write a claim to return the goods

The buyer must legally correctly write a claim for a refund.

Sample claim for return of goods of inadequate quality
  1. Returning a defective washing machine

The buyer must return the defective product to the seller.

  1. Get money

The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • According to Art. 22 of the PZPP, the period for returning funds is no more than 10 days from the date of presentation of the claim;
  • According to paragraph 5 of Art. 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, when returning the amount paid to the buyer, the seller does not have the right to withhold from it the amount of money by which the value of the goods has decreased due to its full or partial use, loss of marketability or other circumstances;
  • According to paragraph 4 of Art. 24 of the PLA, the buyer may demand compensation for the difference between the cost of the goods at the time of purchase and the price at the time of return;
  • According to paragraph 6 of Art. 24 of the PZPP, in the case of purchasing goods through a consumer credit or loan, the seller must return to the buyer, in addition to money, the interest paid and other payments under the loan agreement.

Buyer's actions if the seller does not agree to return

  1. Write a claim for free elimination of defects

If the seller does not want to return the money, then it is necessary to file a claim for gratuitous elimination of the defects.
If the demand is not satisfied within 20 days or the defect cannot be repaired, then in accordance with clause 6 of Art. 19 PZPP you need to apply for a refund.

  1. Quality examination

If, after checking the quality of the product at the previous stage, the seller believes that the defects cited in the complaint arose due to the fault of the consumer, then the buyer, at his own expense, must conduct an examination of the washing machine to establish the causes of the defects.

  1. Write a claim to return the goods

If, based on the results of the examination, it turns out that the defect existed before the goods were transferred to the consumer, then he needs to legally correctly write a claim for a refund.

Sample claim for return of goods of inadequate quality
  1. Go to court

If the seller refuses to satisfy the consumer’s demands pre-trial, then it is necessary to go to court. Conducting cases in court requires the participation of a qualified lawyer. Therefore, you should contact a professional.

  1. Execution of a court decision

If the buyer wins the court case, and the seller refuses to voluntarily comply with the court decision, then the consumer can take one of the following actions:

  • Contact the bank where the seller has an account and send there the enforcement document;
  • Contact the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation, which is entrusted with the functions of enforcing judicial acts.
  1. Returning a defective washing machine

The buyer must return the defective product to the seller.

  1. Get money

The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • According to Art. 22 of the PZPP, the period for returning funds is no more than 10 days from the date of presentation of the claim;
  • According to paragraph 5 of Art. 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, when returning the amount paid to the buyer, the seller does not have the right to withhold from it the amount of money by which the value of the goods has decreased due to its full or partial use, loss of marketability or other circumstances;
  • According to paragraph 4 of Art. 24 of the PLA, the buyer may demand compensation for the difference between the cost of the goods at the time of purchase and the price at the time of return;
  • According to paragraph 6 of Art. 24 of the PZPP, in the case of purchasing goods through a consumer credit or loan, the seller must return to the buyer, in addition to money, the interest paid and other payments under the loan agreement.

If the washing machine is returned through legal proceedings, then:

  • The court decision establishes the amount of recovery;
  • The return period is regulated by legislation on enforcement proceedings.

Returning a washing machine to M. Video

M. Video is a large and widespread chain of electronics and household appliances stores on the Russian market. The buyer's interaction with this seller is governed by the Consumer Protection Law, as well as other government regulations.

When returning a washing machine, clauses of Regulation No. 55 relating to complex household appliances are added to the Law.

M. Video tries to be friendly to its customers, so its policy is not to conflict with the client, finding the best possible option for him.

The period for returning goods purchased online to M. Video has been extended to 30 calendar days, provided there was no home delivery.

If a product is found to be defective, a return or exchange request can initially be made by telephone.

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