Distribution of shares by maternity capital
The following two tabs change content below. Author Articles by author Anastasia Klimenkova (Lawyer) Experience
Who can become a guardian? Requirements for guardians and trustees are established by law. Moreover, they are described
Receives a certificate
Memo for heirs
Sample certificate from the last place of residence of the deceased The certificate is issued on the basis of an application sent to
What documents are needed to obtain a certificate of form 7 and 9?
How to obtain a certificate in form 7 and 9 through State Services Certificate of registration through
Application to revoke a will
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Features of divorce in the presence of minor children by mutual consent
Home / Divorces / Divorce by mutual consent with a child Divorce taking place in the atmosphere
Notary at your place of residence: how to find and who to contact
Where to start registering an inheritance? The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 1111) distinguishes two forms of inheritance:
How is alimony determined? The amount of child support payments is determined in one of two ways: Judicial
Kept woman or breadwinner: should a woman invest in the family budget?
Home and real breadwinners At the dawn of civilization, every person knew his purpose with
Sample application
Everything you need to know about comorients in inheritance law: who are they and who does their property go to?
Home » Inheritance » Establishing the fact of death in court 4 Missing person in
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