When should vacation pay be paid in 2021, taking into account the latest changes? Calendar or
08/27/2019 0 122 4 min. Termination of an employment agreement can occur for various reasons. If
The concept of violation of the sick leave regime Violation of the regime is considered to be any deviation by the patient from the norms prescribed
Author of the article: Roman Gavrilov Last modified: January 2021 5688 Overworking working hours is possible
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The employee goes on vacation unscheduled. However, this cannot be the reason for refusal.
Who cannot be sent on a business trip In a normal situation, management can send employees of a business entity,
Employers have the right to hire women and even minors as employees. But
What is the amount of daily allowance abroad in 2021 Let’s say right away that the amount of daily allowance issued
In practice, employees are not always able to use annual leave. At the same time, in