Rules for registration and calculation of additional leave for combat veterans
Who is classified as a combat veteran? In accordance with Art. 3 of the Federal Law
shift work conditions
Shift: features of labor regulation (part 2)
Skip to content iQ Review Independent journalism. 04/13/2018 at 17:54 15 min. 9896
Employer's responsibility for paying black wages
The essence of the scheme for using “gray” wages “Gray” or “shadow” wages should be considered that part of earnings
Sample of filling out form T-54
Transfer of salary to an employee’s card (postings)
Home / Labor Law / Payment and Benefits / Wages Back Published: 05/04/2016
How is overtime pay calculated?
Is it necessary to issue an order? The need to fulfill or exceed the production plan does not always fit into
Important nuances when writing a letter of resignation in order to transfer to another organization
Home / Labor Law / Dismissal and layoffs / Dismissal Back Published: 04/15/2016 Time
In what cases is a letter of guarantee for employment required? Writing sample
Home / Labor Law / Employment / Hiring Back Published: 07/01/2016 Time
How to calculate travel allowances in 2021: formulas and examples
What must an employer pay a posted employee? In accordance with labor legislation, the employer must
How to formalize a reduction in working day (week) due to coronavirus + sample order
Reduced working hours and part-time working hours - what are the differences? Differences between these concepts
Accounting for services in accounting: postings
Reflection in 1C of the sale of goods and services (work) has a number of nuances. From how
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