Home / Labor Law / Vacation / Study Back Published: 06/07/2016 Reading time:
Letter of gratitude to an employee - a business letter that expresses gratitude to the employee for his work
Why do we need a regulation on the occupational safety management system in an organization? The need to draw up a regulation
07/07/2019 0 133 6 min. Very often, when employees become pregnant, they do not inform the director about the change.
Types of liability for violation of labor legislation In the Russian Federation, the following types of liability for violation exist:
Harm for medical workers Medical institutions often use part-time workers. If the staff is not completely
Duration of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth - 140 days Dates of issue and duration of the bulletin
Home / Labor Law / Payment and benefits / Sick pay Back Published: 05/14/2016
What is combination? Combination refers to the work that a full-time employee of an organization performs during
Vacation is the legal right of an employee to rest while performing his work duties.