TI Penalty Table
Table of fines for violation of labor laws
An employment contract is a basic document on the basis of which relations between employees and employers are built.
Disabled child: features of provision and payment of additional days off
Article 262 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: the essence with comments In Art. 262 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that
Complaining about a colleague who is interfering with work
How to correctly write a complaint against an employee of an organization and the grounds for filing it?
Home / Complaints, courts, consumer rights Back Published: 10/05/2018 Reading time: 7 min
Procedure for extending a certificate of incapacity for work
Registration of the procedure for extending a certificate of incapacity for work
06/25/2019 0 326 6 min. Experiences health problems to varying degrees
Criminal liability for non-payment of wages
Non-payment of wages: what should an employee do, what is the threat to the employer?
Everyone chooses a job to their liking or according to their requirements, based on their own desires.
Taking leave before maternity leave
Calculate your maternity leave date using a calculator and a calendar
The procedure for calculating maternity benefits when going on maternity leave is very different
Calculation of coefficient
Sample and receipt of a certificate of work experience for the Pension Fund
Home / Labor Law / Labor Code / Work experience Back Published: 05/13/2016 Time
dismissal of a pensioner at his own request without service
How to quit without working for 2 weeks: dismissal of a pensioner at his own request
Home / Labor Law / Dismissal and layoffs / Dismissal Back Published: 05/15/2016 Time
Regulations on the Labor Safety Commission - sample for 2021
Why is a labor safety commission created in an organization? Creation of a labor protection commission
Preferential pension for medical workers in 2021: changes
How can healthcare workers receive pension benefits? Health workers can retire early if
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