Chapter 10 of the LABOR CODE of the Russian Federation. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Labor lawyer.
Article 56 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The concept of an employment contract. Parties to an employment contract Employment contract - agreement
Contract agreement with an individual and insurance premiums - nuances
Hiring under a contract, what is its difference from an employment contract Relating
Minor injury at work
Algorithm of actions of the employee and employer in case of an accident at work
Enterprises or organizations daily produce products or perform other equally important functions. Risk
Concept and types of agreements under labor law.
What is an agreement An agreement to an employment contract is a certain part of the employment contract, the conclusion
How to organize a health and safety service
In any organization or enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership and activity, there must exist
Practice of developing employee relocation policies for large Russian companies
« Back 05/13/2019 17:11 51% of professionals are ready to consider the opportunity to move to any city in Russia
Replacement of a temporarily absent employee under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, payment and registration
Home / Labor Law / Vacation Back Published: 06/20/2016 Reading time: 8 min
assessment center for manager
Assessment center: assessment methods, implementation technologies, examples.
An assessment, or assessment center in Russian, is not a physical location. This name belongs to the assessment method
Wages arrears: determining the amount and its return
Necessity and significance of position 70 All economic entities, regardless of their form of ownership
How are employees dismissed during enterprise reorganization?
During the reorganization, the work of employees, as a rule, does not change; they continue to perform it on
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