Rules for registering leave for the general director of an enterprise
The nuances of applying for leave for the director of an enterprise and the rules for filing an application for leave
06/24/2019 0 263 7 min. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the norms of Labor Law, every employer is obliged
Social benefits for families
Salary certificate from place of work for social security: form and sample 2021
When a certificate is needed The main purpose of such a document is to provide information about
What is an internship
Should an internship be paid, what are its pros and cons?
Where to begin? When applying for a job, you need to be prepared for what may be required.
Staffing table
What is a staffing table and how to fill out an order
What are the risks of not having a staffing table? Since this form is only a recommendation, many employers are wondering
How to properly make changes to a job description
For what reasons does a job description most often change? This document is usually formed immediately after
amount of surcharge for harmfulness
What compensation is due for harmful working conditions in Russia in 2021
Every day, the working population goes to enterprises, performs their duties, and also receives a salary. IN
Who is entitled to preferential leave?
Preferential leave: who is eligible, how is it paid, sample application 2021
07/04/2019 0 75 4 min. Every officially employed citizen has the right to count on an annual paid
Referral for medical examination - accuracy and thoroughness for health and safety
Home / Labor Law / Employment / Hiring Back Published: 06/29/2016 Time
What is the difference between the movement of an employee within a company and a transfer? Features of legislation and differences in document preparation.
Relocation of an employee This concept is explained in Chapter. 12 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which is dedicated to all legal
How long does a teenager work: the duration of the shift for minors has been clarified
Home / Family law / Children’s rights Back Published: 08/13/2018 Reading time: 8
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