Occupational Safety and Health
The modern pace of business development forces us to constantly monitor the growth of productivity of both startup owners and
06/17/2019 0 630 5 min. Personnel employees are required to control not only the number of direct employees
When applying for a job, an employee is often asked to fill out a form that contains information about the applicant: information about
Rotating schedule: how is it different from shift work? If internal labor regulations are part of
Let's summarize The dismissal of a part-time employee occurs in the same manner as the reduction of the main employee.
From history In November 1917, a very significant event occurred in Russia that changed
Order for the issuance of personal protective equipment to employees. Important PPE returned by employees after the wear period has expired,
The sphere of labor protection and production safety is responsible for management, since penalties,
Who is required to undergo medical examinations Undertaking preventive medical examinations may be the responsibility of enterprise employees
Correct drafting of an order An exact sample of an order on the organization of work on labor protection in an organization