Features of filling out a time sheet in certain situations

What signs to put if the employee does not show up for work?

When a worker is absent from work for unknown reasons (there are no necessary documents about the reason for absence), without notifying the personnel service and the manager of his absence, the letter “NN” is entered on the report card (24).
This code is recorded until the employee enters the workplace.

Please note: an employee can be punished for being absent from work. The Labor Code provides for only three types of punishment - reprimand, reprimand and dismissal.

How is unexcused absence noted?

Even if the manager informs you about an employee’s absenteeism, there is no need to rush to enter the absenteeism code “PR”. You should wait until the absent specialist brings a paper with explanations.

If the reason for absence is not valid, “PR” (30) is written on the report card.

There are cases when absenteeism designations are indicated, and the employee was absent for valid reasons. Consequently, the timesheet submitted to the accounting department is incorrect and requires correction.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not regulate circumstances that are valid under the unified regime. That is, the law requires employers to independently determine whether each individual situation is a valid reason for the absence of subordinates from work.

As a rule, the following reasons are considered valid:

  • employee illness;
  • death of a close relative of an employee;
  • natural disasters, fire;
  • road traffic accidents.

When determining the validity of a reason, one should be based on the principles of reasonableness and fairness.

Do not forget about the need to draw up a report in the event of a specialist’s failure to show up for work.

If there are no plans to take disciplinary action against the resigning employee, then it is possible to arrange for the employee to take leave without pay.

How are no-shows indicated - sample filling out T-13

There are 2 options for filling out the timesheet: continuous (a designation is entered for each day) and by deviations (only delays and omissions are noted).

There are no clear instructions on how to fill out the timesheet; for each enterprise, information is recorded in the timesheet based on practical skills. If the letter designation in the report card seems more convenient, they are used, otherwise numbers are used.

On the timesheet form, in the top line, data on the employee’s absence is recorded - NN, PR, the bottom line remains blank. For the final calculation of hours worked for the month, these days are not taken into account.

If an employee has been absent for more than 4 hours in a row, the employer legally registers absenteeism. Other cases of employee absence will not constitute a violation of labor standards.

In practice, there are situations when an employee was absent not the entire working day, but only for a few hours. In this situation, it is necessary to indicate the fact of absenteeism and partial attendance. For a unified report card form, a double code is used - “I/PR”; hours worked and hours missed are indicated through a fraction.

An example of filling out a time sheet in case of absence without a valid reason for 1 hour:

What is considered truancy?

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, absenteeism is the absence of an employee at the workplace according to the work schedule without good reason.
It is recognized as a gross violation by the employee of labor discipline and the terms of the employment contract with the employer, as well as non-compliance with internal labor regulations. On our website you can familiarize yourself with the procedure for drawing up labor regulations and filling out this document. Read the article “Internal Labor Regulations – Sample 2021”.

What do modern employers understand by absenteeism? Of course, employees not showing up for work on time can cause a lot of trouble for company management. And employers often intimidate staff by dismissing them for being late for work, staying late after a lunch break, leaving work early, etc. But the situations listed above, as a rule, are not absenteeism.

Situations in which an employee’s absence from work (workplace) is recognized as absenteeism were considered by ConsultantPlus experts. If you have access to K+, go to the HR Guide; if you don't, get it for free.

On the other hand, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not have a clear list of valid reasons. Our legislators leave this issue to the discretion of the enterprise management. Apparently, the manager must independently assess the extent to which the reason for absence from work is valid. Valid reasons include illness, death of loved ones, natural disasters, road accidents, housing problems that require immediate solutions, etc. Each such absence must be confirmed by a sick leave certificate, a certificate from a medical institution, the traffic police, the housing management company, etc. d.

IMPORTANT! If an employee verbally warned the manager in advance about his absence from work, this will not be considered absenteeism. Especially when this fact can be confirmed by other employees of the enterprise - direct witnesses.

Employee absenteeism can create problems in the organization's activities, including financial ones. For example, a failure in the production process of an enterprise operating on a continuous cycle, an unsigned agreement for a major commercial transaction, as a result of which the enterprise could increase revenue, etc.


Absenteeism is an employee’s misconduct, for which he can pay with his job.

The employer can also show leniency by issuing a reprimand, reprimand, or even not applying any punishment to the offending subordinate.

Violation of labor regulations must be documented, otherwise the enterprise will not be able to prove its case in a judicial body.

Before making a decision on imposing disciplinary action, the employer needs to find out whether the deadline for this action has expired. This type of dismissal must adhere to the provisions of Art. 193 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Collection is allowed no later than 30 days from the date of discovery of the misconduct; the employee’s time of illness or vacation is not taken into account.

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In order to understand what type of time (work, day off, holiday, etc.) is reflected in the working time sheet, certain codes are used - alphabetic or digital. Letter ones are used more often because they are visually more informative.

Filling out the document using codes

In budgetary organizations, only the unified form is used, approved in article of Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2015 No. 52N. Form 0504424 is filled out in two ways:

  1. Using the method of continuous registration of attendances and absences, every work day and day off in the reporting month is noted. The code and number of hours worked on site are entered.
  2. Deviation recording method - only deviations from the established mode are recorded. Absences, overtime, delays, vacations, etc. are noted. Form 0504424 provides only a letter code when filling out.

The choice of methodology for drawing up the form is determined by the personnel and accounting policies of the organization. The decoding of the codes, as well as the method of filling out the document, must be fixed in the local regulatory provisions of the institution.

The completed form 0504421, in addition to data on hours actually worked on site, provides only letter codes (Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n).

It is necessary to remember the basic rules for filling out the document:

  1. Form 0504424 opens monthly, 2-3 days before the start of the billing period.
  2. Changes in the payroll (last name, position, work schedule) are entered into the form on the basis of orders for personnel.
  3. In form 0504424, deviations from the normal use of working time are recorded in the upper half of the line. The hours are recorded, and in the lower half of the cell there are conditional codes of deviations.
  4. If an employee has two types of deviations in one working day, the entry is made using a fraction, where the numerator of the fraction is the code, and the denominator is the hours of work. For example, code H/2 means that the employee worked 2 hours at night. In case of more than two deviations, you must enter an additional line for this employee and reflect the deviation in the document.
  5. If erroneous data is entered in form 0504424, a corrective document is drawn up. It is created taking into account all changes, deadlines and in the manner approved by the institution.
  6. In the “Type” line it is indicated: during initial filling, the digital code “0”; when adjusting, starting from one, the code “1”, “2”, etc. is entered.

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Symbols in the time sheet

Most enterprises still use unified letter designations in the report card, since they are the most convenient to use and cover almost all situations.

Codes for working hours

The following codes are used to indicate working hours:

  • “I” – denotes the employee’s performance of job duties in normal working mode;
  • “N” – working hours from 22-00 to 6-00, that is, work at night;
  • “RV” – going to work on weekends and holidays;
  • “K” – the employee is on a business trip, regardless of whether it is a working day or a holiday;
  • “C” – hours of overtime work, in cases where overtime can be determined only based on the results of the month, it is entered only in the final columns of the time sheet;
  • “RP”, “VP” and “NP” - denote downtime in the working time sheet: due to the fault of the employer, employee and due to circumstances independent of the will of the parties, respectively.

These are the most commonly used codes.

Codes to indicate employee absence

To indicate the time when a person does not perform his official duties, the following letter designations are used:

  • “B” - weekends and holidays when the employee rested;
  • “B” and “T” - in the report card indicate temporary disability, paid and unpaid, respectively;
  • “OT” – duration of annual paid rest (vacation);
  • “OD” in the report card indicates additional leave, which is paid;
  • “P” – this code denotes sick leave, which is given to a woman in connection with pregnancy and childbirth;
  • “OZH” in the report card - the decoding of this code means leave granted to care for a child;
  • “U” and “UD” – study leaves, paid and at your own expense, respectively;
  • “BEFORE” - means vacation at your own expense, that is, without accrual of payment;
  • “PR” – absenteeism established during an internal investigation;
  • “NN” in the report card - the decoding of this code indicates the absence of an employee for unknown reasons. As a rule, it is subsequently replaced by one of the above reasons for absence from work.

You need to consider in more detail this type of time a person is absent from the workplace as time off. There is no designation for it on the report card. It will depend on how the time off is documented.

The fact is that there is no such concept as time off in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; by default, this term refers to the following types of rest:

  • Providing a day of rest at a time convenient for the employee, in the case when he worked on his days off (indicated by code “B”);
  • One day provided to the employee at his own expense (indicated by the OD code);
  • An employee’s absence from work by agreement with the employer, only upon application, without being reflected in the report card (will be reflected with the letter “I”). Although this case goes against labor laws.

In order to establish what type of time is reflected in the timesheet, letter codes are used. They can be found in the unified report card T-12. The employer is not obliged to use them, but can approve his own symbols.

>Designations and codes in the time sheet

When is an employee’s absence considered absenteeism?

You will learn:

  • What does the concept of “truancy” include and what are the measures to prevent losses from absenteeism
  • How to correctly record an employee’s absence from work
  • What measures can an employer take in relation to a truant worker?

In any organization, it happens that employees do not go to work. Sometimes, even if there are good reasons (for example, illness), the employee not only does not report his absence to the employer, but also does not confirm his absence from work with supporting documents. In this case, failure to appear is considered absenteeism.

But there are situations in which it is difficult to understand immediately: for a good reason, the employee stopped going to work or not, in which situations he can be fired, and in which - absolutely not. Often, a situation that is clear at first glance turns out to be far from being so simple upon further examination.

How to correctly assess the situation? What documents should be completed and within what time frame? How to prevent violations of labor laws? We will consider these and other questions in this article.


The absence of an employee from work, even for a short time, disrupts the work process. To minimize damage, the organization must take a number of measures:

  • The internal labor regulations must contain a clause obliging the employee to warn his immediate supervisor in advance about the inability to go to work, the reasons for absence and the expected period of absence. Fulfillment by the employee of the relevant obligations will help the manager make timely decisions on the distribution of the responsibilities of the absent employee among his colleagues;
  • The head of a structural unit must have a list of employees whom he can entrust to perform the functions of an absent employee. The employees themselves, in turn, must be aware of the colleague’s affairs, which they will need to carry out in the event of his absence (not only unexpected, but also planned (for example, during a vacation or business trip));
  • the manager must have specific instructions regulating his actions in the event of an employee’s absence without warning (example 1).

The instructions are of an auxiliary nature; they do not have to be issued on the organization’s letterhead and certified by the signature of the manager. The main condition is that they must contain a specific algorithm of actions.

Example 1

Memo to the head of the department on actions in case of employee absence

  1. Call the employee at all telephone numbers known to you (home, mobile, etc.) and find out the reason and possible duration of his absence.
  2. Ask your subordinates whether the employee has spoken about possible absence from work. If one of the employees is aware of the reasons for a colleague’s absence, ask them to state them in a memo addressed to the head of the organization.
  3. Draw up a report on the absence of the employee, the measures taken to find him and their results.
  4. Take all documents to the HR department and receive instructions there on further actions regarding the absent employee.

Specify in the documents as clearly as possible the employee’s workplace (workshop, machine, office number. If you have a chain of stores and regularly rotate staff, such specificity, on the one hand, will complicate the work of personnel services, increasing the document flow, and on the other hand, will protect the interests of the employer.


A workplace is a place where an employee must be or arrive in connection with his work and which is directly or indirectly under the control of the employer. According to Part 4 of Art.

57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the condition of the employment contract about the workplace is an optional (that is, optional) clarification of the condition about the place of work.

We recommend (if necessary) that the employee be assigned to a workplace not by an employment contract (in order to avoid subsequent problems with changing this condition of the employment contract), but by a unilateral document (an order for the organization, an order for the division, a notification, etc.).

When registering a part-time employee , focus his attention on the fact that part-time work (as opposed to freelancing) is carried out regularly , he is entitled to leave, as at his main place of work, but it is prohibited to go there without permission. As practice shows, many workers perceive part-time work as additional income if they have free time, not realizing that a second job involves the same obligations as when performing the main one.


On the first day of an employee’s absence from work, we cannot be sure that he is absent (or even absent) and not sick.

A clear record of absence will help if the fact of absenteeism is confirmed over time, and will not hurt if the employee brings a certificate of incapacity for work.

The failure to appear report must be drawn up in the presence of two witnesses.

It is better if employees from related departments act in their capacity - if an employee challenges his dismissal in court, he will not be able to refer to the alleged pressure exerted on witnesses by the manager.

The staff time sheet is the main document on which payroll is calculated for the organization's employees. Filling out the timesheet is the responsibility of the employee appointed responsible for this by order of the manager.

The document form is unified and all entries are made in it in accordance with the approved coding. Using these records, you can clearly determine on which day the employee took a walk and on which day he was absent from the workplace for an unknown reason.

The article describes how information about an employee’s working time is reflected in the time sheet.

From this article you will learn:

  • how information about an employee’s absence is entered into the work time sheet;
  • what codes are used in the report card to indicate the reasons for an employee’s absence from work;
  • how is failure to appear for an unknown reason indicated;
  • what unified forms are used today to record working time;
  • Which columns of the time sheet include days of absence.

Maintaining time sheets for all employees is the responsibility of any employer, regardless of the form of ownership of the enterprise and the number of its staff. This requirement also applies to employers - individuals.

Please note: the person responsible for maintaining the time sheet can be not only an employee of the HR department, but also any employee, for example, the head of a structural unit or the leader of a group working at a remote workplace.

To maintain the timesheet, a special unified form is currently used (OKUD code 0504421), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n; you can download its form here . Using this form allows you to:

  • reflect and take into account the number of hours worked by the employee for each working day of the reporting calendar month, as well as determine the amount of working time worked during a given month;
  • based on personalized information, calculate wages for each employee included in this timesheet, taking into account payment codes;
  • record cases when an employee was late, absent from work or did not show up for work for an unknown reason, as well as when he was on sick leave, on vacation or a business trip;
  • obtain a general idea of ​​the employee’s compliance with labor discipline and, based on the information presented in the document, apply disciplinary measures.

The fact that an employee is absent from the workplace, if it is not a banal delay of a few minutes, must be recorded in the time sheet.

The reason for non-appearance may be an accident, sudden circumstances, as well as simply a low level of responsibility of the employee and a simple reluctance to perform job duties.

In any case, the person responsible for maintaining the time sheet is obliged to reflect the fact of failure to appear in this document in accordance with the code that is provided specifically for such incidents.

How to keep a timesheet

The time sheet form is designed to minimize the time spent filling it out.

In fact, the responsible employee only needs to put down marks daily in accordance with the established codes opposite the names of the employees.

Using these codes, you can judge whether the employee showed up for work, what time of day he worked and for what reason he was absent. Examples of codes used to fill out the timesheet are presented below.

Form T-12 is also available here.

The time sheet is drawn up in a single copy and is a document on the correct completion of which the wages accrued to employees depend. Naturally, it must be carried out in accordance with the approved procedure, which, as a rule, is established either by the employer’s local regulations or by the timekeeper’s job description.

The employer has the right to use or not use a unified form of timesheet keeping, but if this form is developed by him independently, it must be approved by order of the manager.

How the employee’s absence from work is reflected in the time sheet

Depending on the reason for the employee’s absence from work, when filling out the timesheet, various codes are used, which, in addition to the letter, also have a digital designation.

So, if an employee skipped work, but after a few hours still showed up at the workplace, he is given a double code on his report card: “PR” and “I”, meaning, as well as the number of hours he actually worked.

A sample of filling out a report card in case of employee absenteeism is presented below.

you can here.

If the reason why an employee is absent from the workplace remains unclear, during all working days until this reason is clarified, the letter code “NN” is entered in the accounting sheet, and the number of hours actually worked is not indicated. A sample of filling out a timesheet in the event of an employee’s absence for an unknown reason is presented below.

The report card can be found at the link.

Symbols in the time sheet in 2021

The report card can use alphabetic or numeric codes to indicate a particular event, for example, attendance at work has the letter I or 01 in digital expression, absenteeism - PR or 24, additional days off without pay - NV or 28.

Timesheet codes (2019) - a complete list of alphabetic and numeric characters - are contained on the first page of Form T-12.

alphabetic digital
Duration of work during the day I
Duration of work at night N
Duration of work on weekends and non-working holidays RV
Overtime duration WITH
Duration of work on a rotational basis VM
Business trip TO
Advanced training without work PC
Advanced training with a break from work in another area PM
Annual basic paid leave FROM
Annual additional paid leave OD
Additional leave in connection with training while maintaining average earnings for employees combining work with training U
Reduced working hours for on-the-job trainees with partial pay retention UV
Additional leave in connection with training without pay UD
Maternity leave (leave in connection with the adoption of a newborn child) R
Parental leave until the child reaches the age of three coolant
Unpaid leave granted to an employee with the permission of the employer BEFORE
Leave without pay under the conditions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation OZ
Additional annual leave without pay DB
Temporary disability (except for cases provided for by code “T”) with the assignment of benefits in accordance with the law B
Temporary disability without benefits in cases provided for by law T
Reduced working hours versus normal working hours in cases provided for by law Champions League
Time of forced absence in the event of dismissal, transfer to another job or suspension from work being declared illegal, with reinstatement to the previous job PV
Absenteeism while performing state or public duties in accordance with the law G
Absenteeism (absence from the workplace without good reason for the time established by law) ETC
Duration of part-time work at the initiative of the employer in cases provided for by law NS
Weekends (weekly vacation) and non-working holidays IN
Additional days off (paid) OB
Additional days off (without pay) NV
Strike (under conditions and in the manner prescribed by law) ZB
Absences for unknown reasons (until the circumstances are clarified) NN
Downtime caused by the employer RP
Downtime due to reasons beyond the control of the employer and employee NP
Downtime due to employee fault VP
Suspension from work (preclusion from work) with payment (benefits) in accordance with the law BUT
Suspension from work (preclusion from work) for reasons provided for by law, without accrual of wages NB
Time of suspension of work in case of delay in payment of wages NZ

Unified uniform T-12

It should be noted that the unified form T-12 can be used in any organization, regardless of the form of ownership, except for budgetary institutions.

In budgetary institutions, an accounting form is used, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n, which uses other digital and letter designations in the working time sheet.


Absenteeism is the absence of an employee from the workplace for more than 4 hours in accordance with the work schedule. This is a gross violation by the employee of labor discipline, the terms of the employment contract with the employer and internal labor regulations. To recognize absenteeism, a number of conditions must be met:

  • absence of an employee from the workplace during the entire work shift;
  • absence of an employee from his workplace for more than 4 hours;
  • absence from work for unexcused reasons;
  • proof of the fact of absenteeism.

In case of absenteeism, the employer must require the employee to provide a written explanation for his absence from the workplace. An employee may be held liable for absenteeism in the form of:

  • dismissal, which is formalized by an order to terminate the employment contract with the employee;
  • disciplinary action, which is also formalized by a corresponding order.

Each incorrectly executed document can affect the outcome of the lawsuit not in favor of the employer if the employee goes to court due to illegal dismissal. So all documents must be drawn up properly at the right time and, if necessary, signed by witnesses to the situation.

Sources: Labor Code of the Russian Federation

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Absenteeism may become one of the grounds for terminating an employment agreement at the request of the employer.

Absenteeism is the absence of an employee from his assigned place without a satisfactory reason for 4 or more hours in a row during one day (shift). Nothing depends on the length of the shift (the employee skipped working hours). The boss can define the following points as absenteeism:

  • When an employee who has signed an employment contract (term unspecified) leaves his workplace without satisfactory reason, without notifying the employer of termination of the agreement, before the expiration of the 2 week notice period;
  • When an employee who has signed a contract (fixed term) leaves the position without any valid reason before the expiration of the contract or before the expiration of the warning period for early termination;
  • Self-management of days off, as well as arbitrary assignment of vacation.

These norms may seem to be clearly defined and extremely transparent. However, employers, and often the courts, even today find themselves at a dead end when studying such cases and determining whether a particular situation constitutes truancy. As a result, judges' verdicts often turn out to be incorrect and hasty.

Forced absenteeism in the report card number of hours of PV

25 NS Part-time work initiated by the employer Indicated on the basis of orders, extracts from contracts, etc.

26 On Weekends Accounting for official holidays defined by law.

29 ZB Strike days are marked on the basis of documents indicating the legality of the actions taken.

30 NN Absences without valid reasons Without documents explaining valid reasons for absence from work. 31 RP Downtime without the employee’s fault Are assigned based on the order of the enterprise management.

What is considered truancy? To determine the action of a full-time employee as absenteeism, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Absence from work for a long period - more than 4 hours.
  2. There is no justified motive for the misconduct.
  3. Proper documentation of labor violations.

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How many hours?

Common mistakes

The court is not interested in the form of the document, but it takes into account some points:

There is no note about absenteeism on the report card

A similar mistake, when the boss did not leave a note about absenteeism, is a fairly common occurrence. A document without the required code (NN or PR) will require additional materials in court (must be noted). Other evidence will have to be presented. For example, he may invite witnesses willing to testify on his behalf. They don't necessarily prove his point.

If there are no marks, the employer still has the opportunity to win the case. The employee must himself declare the fact of absenteeism.

Contradiction in documents

Another common mistake many employers make is different data in the acts. The employee’s actions are noted in the documents and indicate the correct absence code in the accounting sheet, but do not control the coincidence of data.

For example, in one of the proceedings, the court changed the reasons for terminating the contract due to a contradiction in the notes on the time of absence in two documents and the report card. In another situation, the employee’s absenteeism was noted simultaneously in the report and the report form, but the full work shift was recorded in the records. These points and the testimony of several witnesses allowed the employee to win the case.

The timesheet does not contain the employer's signature

During the proceedings, employees often take advantage of shortcomings in the preparation of timesheets. One of the most common arguments is that the timesheet is not certified by the signature of the timekeeper or manager (signed incorrectly). However, the employee will not be able to win the case if they confirm the data from the document verbally or in writing.

The court may accept the employee’s position in several cases:

  • When there are no signatures of the authorities on the report card;
  • When the employer was unable to provide additional evidence of absenteeism.

Despite the good chances of winning, it is worth checking that all the required signatures are in their places on the report card. Usually, the courts fully verify the reasons for severing labor relations at the initiative of superiors. It is recommended that when using your own form, when approving forms, everything is formatted so that the number of signatures is reduced to a minimum.

Corrective accounting sheet

When employee absenteeism has been identified, you need to draw up a corrective report card. Then, if disputes arise, the boss will be able to easily prove the fact that he was not at work. Certain standards must be adhered to:

Mark absenteeism correctly

It is important, when a person stops regularly appearing at the workplace, not to miss the designations “NN” or “30”. These encodings indicate the fact that the employee was absent due to unknown circumstances. They can also be used if you are late or leave before the end of your shift. Then you can charge less money for shortcomings. But do not forget to mark the hours that were worked.

Accounting for weekends

Even during absenteeism, weekends determined by a person’s individual schedule must be marked with the coding “B” or “26”. The employee cannot appear on these days; they are considered non-working days. In one of the trials, the court negatively assessed the report card, which included only “NN”. The fact is that in recording the time of other employees, everything was filled out in accordance with established standards.

Absenteeism on the report card

Travel time must be included during study leave.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the control time value is four hours.

Guarantees and compensations for employees combining work with obtaining higher education in bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs or master's programs, and employees entering training in these educational programs (as amended by Federal Law dated July 2, 2013 N 185-FZ) (see.

text in the previous “edition”) Guides to personnel issues and labor disputes.

Issues of application “For employees who are sent for training by the employer or who independently enroll in training in state-accredited bachelor’s degree programs, specialty programs or master’s programs in part-time and part-time forms of study and who successfully master these programs, the employer provides additional leave with the preservation of the “average earnings” » for: (as amended by Federal Law dated July 2, 2013 N 185-FZ) (see

Change data in a timely manner

Until the reason for the employee’s failure to appear at his place has been determined, do not mark the time sheet with the coding “PR” or “24”. First, you should make sure that there are no positive justifying factors for all days. In the beginning, it is worth demanding an explanatory statement from the employee, then the boss can draw up a decree imposing a penalty. Although the employee will not challenge termination due to absenteeism, if the employer immediately leaves the mark “PR” instead of “NN”. In court, the evidence base (failure to appear) is important, and not this moment of registration.

When the fact of absenteeism becomes undeniable, write an adjustment document for this person. This is an additional document issued with the code “NN”. It is compiled for the current day, but for the entire period of absenteeism. In this report card, the encoding “PR” will be correct.” If on some days the employee is able to bring documents justifying absenteeism, then it is worth entering this data into the accounting document under the necessary codes. For example, you can leave the notes “B” or “T” if the reason for failure to appear was disability.

You cannot make adjustments to a timesheet that has already been taken into account by the accounting department. The first reason is that the document will be unreadable due to the large number of corrections. The boss will need to cross out the notes, add new ones, indicate the date of the adjustments, and certify them. Also, at the time of filling out the report card corresponded to the real situation. And it will clearly demonstrate that the person was not at his workplace. The last reason is that for accounting there is no difference between the designations “NN” or “PR”. All that matters to them is that the employee does not have the right to receive money for these hours. It turns out that everything will be correct with the calculations.

Important conditions for recognizing absenteeism

In judicial practice, there are cases where truant workers won lawsuits due to incorrectly documented and undocumented fact of absenteeism and were reinstated at work. That is why the employer must carefully prepare all documents related to absenteeism. However, you should not do this retroactively. As practice shows, such facts are provable and the court will side with the employee who committed absenteeism.

In what cases is an employee’s absence from work regarded as absenteeism:

  • If the employee is absent from the workplace during the entire work shift (even if it lasts less than 4 hours).

If the employee does not have a documented workplace and he was on the territory of the organization, the employer will not be able to give him official absenteeism. Conclusion: assign a workplace to each employee in the employment contract when he/she starts working.

  • If the employee is absent from the workplace for more than 4 hours.

Moreover, if the employee was absent for exactly 4 hours, such absence will not be considered absenteeism.

  • Absence from work for unexcused reasons.

The employee must confirm each absence from the workplace with supporting documents. For example, a sick leave certificate, a summons to court or for an inquiry, a certificate from a medical institution and other documents. At the same time, the employer has no right to fire a pregnant woman who has committed absenteeism.

  • If the fact of absenteeism is proven.

Each absence must be documented. Otherwise, if the employee goes to court, justice will not be on the employer’s side.

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