Organization of work with employee work books

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Published: 06/18/2018

Reading time: 6 min



Being the main document for recording a citizen’s work activity and length of service, the work book reveals his entire professional biography. It displays data such as experience in specific positions, career growth, length of service, reasons for dismissal and other information, which, in turn, can shed light on the “bright” and “dark” spots in the employee’s professional life.

At the moment, the work book is the first documentary basis for calculating an insurance pension when a person reaches the appropriate length of service and age. Let's consider the key legislative norms for its design and maintenance.

  • Basic rules for filling out and storing a work book
  • How to change the last name in the work book?
  • Legislative regulation of the issue
  • How to properly maintain a work book: norms of legislative instructions

Stages of transition to electronic work books

Let’s say right away that in 2021 work books will remain in paper form, but along with the paper version it will be necessary to maintain an electronic one. The data that everyone will maintain electronically is information about the employee’s work activities.

The transition from paper to electronic books will be gradual and involves several stages.

Articles on the topic (click to view)

  • What should an employee do if the employer has lost his work book?
  • Work book for transfer to another position: sample 2021
  • Work book certified by the employer for the bank: sample 2021
  • Validity period for a copy of a work book for a bank
  • Information about disciplinary sanctions in the work book
  • The employee does not want an electronic work record book
  • Example and procedure for filling out an electronic work book
  • workers who started working before 2021 have a choice. By June 30, 2021, all employers must notify their employees about changes in work books. Next, the employee has time to think whether he needs a paper work record book or whether he wants information about his work activity to be kept electronically. Time to think until December 31, 2021 - by this day employees write statements about their choice (paper book or electronic information);
  • For those who start working in 2021 or later, all work books will be issued only electronically.

Additional questions

Is it possible to skip lines in TC

Inscriptions must be made without skipping lines. However, if there is a stamp on the previous entry that takes up one or two lines, then they need to be skipped.

It is unacceptable to enter information about your organization on someone else’s seal.

What pen should I use to fill out a work book?

When entering information about work into a book or insert, as well as when filling out the title page, entries must be made carefully, without any erasures. To do this, the personnel officer should have a blue, purple or black ballpoint pen that does not smear and is not too pale.

The recording must last a long time and be clear. If it gets smeared, it will have to be restored. They can rewrite the entry and declare it invalid even if the color of the information text is excessively dull, which makes it difficult to read.

The instructions also cover the use of ink. Currently, this permission is actively neglected by personnel officers, since there are practically no specialists left who master calligraphy, which requires the use of ink. If an ink blot is created when using them, the book may be considered damaged.

Is it possible to fill out a work book with a gel pen? Regarding helium pens, there are no direct instructions prohibiting their use. At the same time, their use is strictly not recommended:

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  1. Their use can lead to damage to the work page, where entries have already been made on the reverse side. Helium paste can damage them, making the text illegible.
  2. Helium paste does not always make the recording legible, as it leaves a wider groove.
  3. Gel pastes are more easily smeared and even erased, which can ultimately render the TC unusable.

This is also important to know:
How to correctly formalize dismissal by agreement of the parties

If the pen is used improperly or if smudged or poor-quality entries are made, the labor inspectorate may impose a fine.

How to certify a copy of a work record book

There are often cases when an employee requires a copy of the employment document. To receive it, you need to write an application addressed to the employer. The application form is not established, but it is advisable to adhere to the established rules of execution:

  • in the upper right corner of the sheet - data of the manager and employee;
  • By ;
  • then the text of the petition itself (in our case, the text may be as follows: “On the basis of Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I ask you to give me a copy of the work book, certified in the prescribed manner”);
  • date and signature.

After acceptance of the application, a certified copy of the work report must be prepared and issued within three days.

IMPORTANT! It is important to remember that as of July 1, 2018, the new GOST R 7.0.97-2016 “National Standard of the Russian Federation” came into force. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation”, which made minor changes to the procedure for certifying a copy of the work book.

To do everything right, you need to adhere to a certain algorithm:

  1. Make copies of all completed sheets. In this case, copies must be single-sided.
  2. Number and stitch the sheets. On the back of the last sheet, you need to seal the ends of the threads with a paper sticker, on which you write how many sheets there are.
  3. Each copied page must be certified (if not stapled into one file). This must be done by a person who is granted such a right by local regulations. If there is no such person, then the general director must certify the copies.
  4. Then the person certifying the document writes “True”, puts down his position, signature with transcript and date. You can put the seal of the organization (if there is one), but the law does not oblige you to do this.
  5. You also need to add one more entry regarding the original work report: “The original document is located in (name of organization) in file No. ___ for ___ year” (this is written when the employee needs a copy to provide it to a third-party organization).
  6. Sometimes an employee asks to add “Currently working.” This is not prohibited by law (banks usually ask).

What to do if an entry is missed

Entries must not violate serial numbers. If this happens, making an entry should be based on the general error correction algorithm in the TC. That is, under the next serial number you need to make an entry stating that an error was made (an entry was missed), and under the next serial number you need to make it.

But such actions cannot be carried out arbitrarily. In order for such an error to be corrected, a special order and grounds for correction are required. If the entry was missed by another employer, you must:

  1. Make a request regarding an error.
  2. Receive the necessary documents from the person responsible for the error.
  3. Force him to correct his mistake.

Keep in mind that the mistake must be corrected by the employer who made it. In some difficult cases, it is necessary to seek correction of the error through the courts. Arbitrary interference is unacceptable.

This is very important because a missing entry can appear in two cases:

  1. By mistake of one of the employers.
  2. In case of fraudulent transactions with the work book on the part of the employee himself.

In both cases, vigilance and caution must be exercised.

When can you use the letter “ё” in writing your full name?

Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to use the letter “е” in writing a first or last name.

Refer to the employee's passport.

If this letter is written in your passport, then you can safely put it.

If “e” is written in your passport, then you should not deviate from the passport data. Everything is extremely simple.

Legislative regulation of work records issues

A novice HR manager or accountant who is encountering employee work records for the first time definitely needs to know what legal provisions govern their handling.

The main one is Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. On its basis, the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers (approved.

Expert opinion

Novikov Oleg Tarasovich

Legal consultant with 7 years of experience. Specializes in criminal law. Member of the Bar Association.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), as well as Instructions for filling out work books (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor dated October 10, 2003 N 69) (hereinafter referred to as Instructions).

The rules for maintaining and storing work books have remained virtually unchanged over the past thirteen years.

Who should fill out the work form?

As already mentioned above, the employer or his authorized person must keep a work book. Let's take a closer look at the question of who could be such a person.

The employer can appoint responsible for filling out and storing work books only the employee who, according to the employment contract or job description, is obliged to perform such work. The appointment is made by issuing an order. Only after this the person indicated in the act issued by the employer can begin to work with work books.

Please note that such an order must be issued, because it is brought to the attention of labor inspectors during inspections, and if there are violations of the rules for maintaining labor books, officials are held accountable.

But what should a small enterprise do when among its employees there is no person who can be authorized to keep work records? Then such activities must be carried out directly by the employer. To do this, he must, by order, take responsibility for the work books of employees, their maintenance and storage. Thus, the employer (director) will be authorized to make entries in all work books, including his own.

What is a work book

This is the main document about the employee’s work activity.

It is of great importance for calculating a worker’s length of service (general, special, insurance, etc.), as well as for confirming existing experience when hiring. Information about the employee’s dismissal from his previous job (reason and date) reflected in this document may be important for the employer.

All employers, except employers who are individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, are required to keep work books for each of their employees (excluding part-time workers) who have worked for more than five days.

The following information about the employee and his work is entered there:

  • about the work he performs (hiring for a specific position (profession) in a specific department);
  • about transfers to another permanent job within the organization;
  • on the dismissal of an employee, indicating as a basis the clause and article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • about awards and incentives for success in work.

This is important to know: Correct the date of birth in the work book: sample 2021

Information about disciplinary sanctions imposed on an employee is not entered into the work book, unless this penalty is dismissal (Part 1 of Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The work book is a form established by the Rules with the appropriate degrees of protection, indicating the series and number of 20 spreads, the pages of which are numbered and have sections where records of the appropriate type are entered (information about the employee (the so-called title page), information about the work, information about awards).

If the sections “Information about work” or “Information about awards” are over, then an insert is added to the work book. Its form, form and maintenance are subject to requirements similar to those for the work book itself.

The employer is obliged to have a constant supply of the required number of work book forms and inserts in them (clause 44 of the Rules).

Forms of work books and inserts must be purchased by the employer centrally from official distributors authorized by GOZNAK (their list is published on the GOZNAK website).

Similar forms can be found in stationery stores and kiosks selling printed materials to the public, but such sales are not legal. Since there are no guarantees of their authenticity and compliance with the requirements of regulations, the employer has no right to require a newly hired employee to have in his hands the form purchased at the kiosk. Moreover, it is unlawful to accept it from an employee for further completion, and we do not recommend doing this in order to avoid further problems.

The work book form can be checked for authenticity by comparing the series and number with the year of issue, as well as the form established by the same Government Resolution that approved the Rules.

Filling rules

First of all, we note that responsibility for entering information and storing work books is legally assigned to the employer or a person authorized by the employer. We will look further into who exactly these individuals are. When hiring, the employer continues to keep records in an existing employment record book or, if the employee is getting a job for the first time, starts a new record book.

A special period has been established within which the employer is obliged to make a note in the work book of a newly arrived employee. According to the requirements of regulations, a work book is kept for each employee who has worked for more than five days . All entries are made within a week from the moment of committing an action that requires registration in the work book (hiring, transfer, award, etc.), except for the entry on dismissal, which is made directly on the day the dismissal order is issued.

All entries in the book are made in Russian. The exception is the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, which have established a different state language. On the territory of such republics, employers can choose the language in which to keep records (Russian or the state language of the republic).

You can use fountain pens, ballpoint pens, and gel pens for notes. The ink can be blue, black or purple, but it is desirable that it is waterproof and will not fade over time.

It is important to note that no abbreviations are allowed (for example, mistakenly writing “pr.” instead of “order”), all information is indicated in full. Each entry is assigned a serial number. There are also special requirements for writing dates: you must indicate the day and month (in Arabic numerals, 2 characters each, for example, the second of May is 02.05), the year (in Arabic numerals, 4 characters, i.e. you cannot write 05/02/14, correctly - 02.05 .2014).

The work book contains several sections. Please note that it is important to adhere to the rule of recording information exactly in the section to which it relates. If there is no longer room in this section for a new entry, you should not add it to another section. In this case, it is necessary to sew an insert into the work book.

Filling example

labor and


So, let's look at what information needs to be entered in the work book. First of all, this is information about the employee. Let's break it down line by line:

  1. FULL NAME . The requirements for the entry are quite standard - it must correspond to what is written in the passport. Please note that even if your passport is misspelled and according to the rules of grammar your name or patronymic is written differently, you should not write it correctly in your work book. Therefore, make sure that the person filling out the work report has not made any corrections, and the entry in the book exactly matches the entry in the passport.
  2. Date of Birth . We have already outlined the requirements for recording dates above.
  3. Education . The information must be complete. That is, for example, you cannot simply write “higher”; it would be correct to indicate “full higher”.
  4. Profession/specialty . It is written in the nominative case, in accordance with the data specified in the education document.
  5. Labor completion date . The requirements are the same.
  6. This is followed by the signatures of the person who filled out the work book and the employee who owns the work book.
  7. At the end there is a stamp .

If an error was made when filling out the cover page of the work report, it is corrected by simply crossing out the erroneous entry and entering the correct information.
On the back of the cover there is a link to a document confirming the correctness of the data. The link is certified by the seal and signature of the person who made the entry. In addition, information about the work performed by the employee (for example, legal adviser, engineer, cook, etc.), transfer to another job on a permanent basis, rewarding the employee for labor achievements (certificates, titles, other types of incentives, except bonuses), as well as dismissal.

Please note that information about penalties is not entered into the work book, except in cases where the dismissal is a disciplinary sanction.

All this information must be entered only on the basis and in strict accordance with the order or instruction of the employer. This information fits into one large “Job Information” section. Let's look at the order of filling it out:

  1. First of all, enter the full name of the employer. This entry is not numbered. The general rule is that no abbreviations are allowed. Therefore, you cannot write LLC “Zarya” or CJSC “Kolos”; the organizational and legal form must be completely deciphered. What to do if the company is renamed? Such information must be reflected in the labor report. The entry should be made as follows: in column 3, without indicating the serial number of the entry, it is noted that from a certain date such and such an enterprise is (completely) renamed to ... (completely). Column 4 indicates the document that is the basis for the renaming.
  2. Further records are kept under the name of the employer. Column 1 contains the serial number of the entry.
  3. Column 2 – date. The rules for entering dates are described above.
  4. Column 3. Occupies the main place. Information about hiring, dismissal, transfer, etc. is directly entered here. Important! Next to such a record there must be the signature of the owner of the work, confirming that he is familiar with this information.
  5. Column 4 – grounds for recording. This indicates the date and number of the order, instruction, protocol of the employer, on the basis of which the entry was made in column 3.

If the work report is filled out incorrectly, you cannot simply cross out what is incorrect. The correction is made at the place of work in the records of which the error was made, or at a new place of work upon presentation of evidence (documents) confirming the need for correction.

As with a regular entry, a date and number are indicated for correction. Column 3 “Information about work” indicates that entry No. ... is invalid. After which, without indicating the serial number, the date of the entry that was made in error is entered, and in column 3 - the correct information. Column 4 must contain the grounds on which such an entry was made. After this, information about who made the corrections, the date, stamp and the entry “corrected correctly” are indicated.

More information about making entries in the book can be seen in the video:

You can learn about what a chart of accounts for 2021 is and why you need it from this article. If you are interested in the basis on which the individual entrepreneur acts in the contract, you can find this information here.

Work book - strict reporting form

Both work books accepted from employees and their blank forms and inserts are subject to strict accounting when stored by the employer (this is discussed in section six of the Rules).

For these purposes, accounting journals must be kept in the established forms:

  • receipt and expenditure book for accounting of work book forms and inserts in it;
  • a book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them.

Expert opinion

Novikov Oleg Tarasovich

Legal consultant with 7 years of experience. Specializes in criminal law. Member of the Bar Association.

Both of these books must be laced and numbered, certified by the signature of the head of the organization and sealed with a wax seal (sealed) - this is stated in clause 41 of the Rules.

The receipt and expenditure book for accounting forms is maintained by the organization's accounting department, and it reflects all operations of receiving and spending work book forms (insert in it) indicating the series and number of the form.

The book of accounting for the movement of work books is maintained by personnel officers. It records information about the acceptance and issuance upon dismissal of all work books of employees and the inserts in them, both accepted from employees upon entry to work, and issued to employees again. At the same time, their series and number must be indicated in the accounting book, as well as the employee’s signature on receipt of the work book upon dismissal.

Correcting entries

Since the book for recording the movement of work books is filled out manually, the employee responsible for filling it out may accidentally make some mistake, which will then need to be corrected. How to correct errors is not legally described in this book.

One of the options for correcting errors in such a handwritten document is to make a note under the erroneous entry: “The entry for No.__ is considered invalid”} and then enter the correct text. The correction should be confirmed by the signature of the responsible employee who made the correction.

An official of the organization responsible for work records

The law directly obliges the employer to properly organize work with work books.

Strict accounting of these documents in the organization requires the presence of a specially authorized official - a person responsible for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books.

Such a person is appointed by order or instruction of the employer. Typically, such responsibility is assigned to a specific HR employee or accountant who is directly involved in work records.

The order is issued in any form; its wording may look, for example, like this: “To appoint the inspector of the personnel department, Anna Nikolaevna Petrova, as the person responsible for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books.” The order number, date, as well as full name, position and, of course, the signature of the manager are indicated.

Responsibility for errors

As in any activity, errors when filling out the cover pages of work books lead to negative consequences. Their suppression is carried out using the following sanctions measures:

  • Officials in case of a primary violation of the rules for filling out work books are liable in the amount of 5 to 50 minimum wages, and in case of a secondary violation they are disqualified for 1-3 years.
  • For the first violation, legal entities are fined 300-500 minimum wages, and in the event of a repeat violation they may be completely suspended from their activities.

This is also important to know:
Compensation upon dismissal: types of payments upon dismissal

All penalties from the above entities are carried out by the Labor Inspectorate.

The procedure for maintaining work books

The procedure for making entries in workers’ work books is given great importance, so they must be made strictly according to established rules.

The procedure for maintaining work books is covered by the above-mentioned Instruction, which contains standards for maintaining work books.

The Instructions regulate all possible stages of filling out this document, starting with how to correctly enter information about the employee (on the title page), records of work and transfers, awards and incentives, dismissal, invalidation of records, and ending with issues of preparing a duplicate.


The insert is also prepared according to the specified instructions on maintaining and compiling work books. It is filled out when there is no space left in the main form (it must be taken into account that maintaining information about work in the section intended for maintaining information about awards is not allowed). It has the same legal force as the main document, but is invalid without the main form. A note on the design of the insert must be contained in the main document. The insert is sewn into the work book.

Storage periods for work records

The employer permanently keeps work books of all full-time employees, except part-time workers.

They are issued only upon dismissal of an employee (termination of an employment contract with him for any reason), or temporarily for submission to the social insurance (security) authorities in accordance with Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation upon a written application from the employee.

This is important to know: Information about disciplinary sanctions in the work book

There may be situations when the work books of deceased employees remain with the employer.

According to clause 37 of the Rules, in the event of the death of an employee, a work book (with an entry made in it about the termination of the employment contract under clause 6, part 1, article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is handed over to one of his relatives against a receipt in the book for recording the movement of work books or sent by mail upon written application from one of the relatives.

That is, the employer should notify the relatives of such an employee about the need to obtain his work book or agree to send it by mail.

If for some reason the work book of a deceased employee remains with the employer, then it should be kept in the organization permanently until it can be claimed by relatives.

The shelf life of work books that have not been claimed is 75 years (clause 664 of the List of standard administrative archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated 08/25/2010 N 558).

When issued upon dismissal

Records of dismissal are made on the last working day, and on the same day a document on the length of service must be handed over to the person, filled out in accordance with all established rules for its execution and maintenance. If the citizen does not appear for it, it is necessary to send him a notification about where and when it can be subsequently received. A citizen can agree to have it sent by mail to a specific address. The work book is kept for 75 years.

Legal documents

  • Rules for maintaining work records in the Russian Federation
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The procedure for making correctional entries in the work book

If you make an incorrect entry in the “Employment Information” or “Award Information” sections, you cannot cross out the entry.

In this case, it is necessary to recognize it as invalid, and then make a correct entry.

For example, if you need to change a job entry in the “Job Information” section, after the last entry in this section, indicate the following serial number, the date the entry was made, and in column 3 the entry is made: “The entry with such and such a number is invalid.”

After this, the correct entry is made: “Hired for such and such a profession (position)” and in column 4 the date and number of the order (instruction) of the employer is repeated, the entry from which was incorrectly entered into the work book, or the date and number of the order (instruction) of the employer is indicated , on the basis of which the correct entry is made.

The same procedure is used to invalidate the notice of dismissal.

For example, when the wording of the reason for dismissal is changed, an entry is made in the organization: “The entry for number such and such is invalid, dismissed, new wording.”

Column 4 contains a reference to the order (instruction) of the employer to change the wording of the reason for dismissal.

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Rules of conduct

When maintaining work books, it is worth considering the following rules:

  1. Dates must be written strictly in Arabic numerals (for example, an employee was hired on January 15, 2018 - this is written as 01/15/2018).
  2. Accepts purple, blue or black ink.
  3. Entries must be entered accurately and completely.
  4. Abbreviations are not allowed.
  5. Information is entered in Russian or the official language of the republic.
  6. Job data is entered on the basis of an issued order for employment, transfer, dismissal or award.
  7. Data must be entered no later than 7 days; upon dismissal, on the same day..
  8. Each entry is assigned its own serial number.

The entries made in the work book must be duplicated in the employee’s personal card. He must get acquainted with them under his signature.

Filling out the title page

The title form of the work book is filled out in two cases:

  • first employment;
  • registration of a duplicate.

The sample of the new work book was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 and has not changed since then.

All information about the owner of the work record is entered in black, blue or purple ink. When filling out you must indicate:

  • date of birth (DD.MM.YYYY);
  • education and specialty;
  • profession.

The information is entered on the basis of the documents provided by the employee: we write as it is written there. No entries “from the words” of the employee are written or entered. The text is entered neatly, in legible handwriting. Blots and mistakes are not allowed. Dates are entered in Arabic numerals. What documents does the employee provide when concluding an employment contract?

  • about education (if the job requires special knowledge, skills and abilities);
  • about military registration (if the person is liable for military service);
  • SNILS (if missing, the employer draws up this document himself);
  • passport.

The labor document is not listed, but we must remember that this is a mandatory document. You can see a sample of the 2021 work book design below.

Everything that is written on the title page is certified by the signature of the specialist responsible for filling out, maintaining and storing work books. In any organization, regardless of the form of ownership and direction of activity, one of the employees is responsible for preparing and storing work books within the organization (clause 45 of the rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225). Who it is - a personnel officer, an accountant, an employee of another service, or the director himself - does not matter. It is important that such a person is appointed by an order that has the same name - on the approval of the person responsible for filling out and storing work books and their inserts. It is more expedient to assign two employees to this area. If one employee gets sick or goes on vacation, the second one will cover him for this time.

Next, the company seal is affixed, if any. Its imprint is placed in a specially designated place on the form. If there is no seal, then we don’t put it.

After the personnel officer enters the necessary information, the owner of the document signs in a specially designated line as a sign of agreement that all data is entered correctly. If errors were made, then such a document is considered invalid and must be destroyed, and a new form is issued to the owner of the work book (at the expense of the organization).

This is important to know: Application for a work book for the first time: sample 2021

Completed cover page of the 2021 work book

What to do when an employee changes personal data? Don't throw away the book. Yes, there is no need to do this; for this case, the legislation provides for the possibility of making changes: the old information of the employee on the title page is carefully crossed out (we are talking about full name), and new information is entered on the double page of the employment document. We certify this record with our signature with a transcript (if there is a stamp, we also put it on it). In more detail, how to fill out a work book for 2021 in this case is written in Section III of the rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225. It is necessary to keep in mind and remember that correction of entries on the title page and in other sections of the work book is carried out by different ways.

Features of filling out a duplicate book

A duplicate work record book is issued if this document is lost (including in the case of mass loss of employee work records as a result of emergency circumstances) or has become unusable (for example, burnt), as well as in cases where records of transfer or dismissal are declared invalid , or when an employee is reinstated after a court acquittal in a criminal case in which he was accused.

Where to go for a duplicate? To obtain a duplicate, you need to submit a written application to the employer at your last place of work. The exception is the case when the dismissal of an employee was declared illegal in court, but the employee has already taken a new job. Then the new employer issues a duplicate.

A duplicate of the work book must be issued no later than 15 days after the employee’s application. On the title page of the work report, the entry “Duplicate” is made in the upper right corner.

When filling out a duplicate, the total length of service of the employee (number of years, months and days) is indicated in total, without indicating specific employers, positions and periods of work. Please note that when an employee starts a new job, the administration must facilitate this employee’s receipt of documents confirming his work experience, if necessary.

Fill out the “Job Information” section

After the title page is completed, move on to the “Work Information” section. It is recorded here:

  • Company name;
  • day, month, year of making entries;
  • the fact of hiring;
  • movement among positions;
  • translations (on an ongoing basis);
  • part-time work (at the request of the employee at the main place of work);
  • reasons for termination of the employment contract.

Entries in the work book for 2021 are made on the basis of an order issued by the head of the organization. The details of the document are indicated in the column provided for this. The entry must be made within 7 days from the date of issue of the order (for admission, transfers, promotions, etc.); upon dismissal, entries are made on the last working day (clause 10 of the Rules approved by Resolution No. 225). Sometimes experts confuse the periods of five and seven days. Five days is the period after which the employer is obliged to create a work book for his employee (clause 3 of the Rules). Each entry has a corresponding serial number. Only the headings in the “Work Information” section are not numbered.

Sample of filling out a work book (2020)

Key points of TC design

Title page

Contains personal information about the employee:

  1. Full name, date of birth (according to passport data).
  2. Complete information containing information on education (further additions to the paragraph are acceptable).
  3. Specialty or profession (not listed together).
  4. Fixed by the date of completion and signature of the employer and employee.

Hiring information:

  1. The serial number of the record is indicated.
  2. Enter the full name of the enterprise, institution or other employment facility.
  3. The department in which the employee works, his position, and profession are indicated.
  4. The name and date of the document (order, resolution) under which the employee was hired is entered.

Translation records:

  • In the case where the transfer is made within the enterprise, the reason for the transfer and the new place of work are indicated.
  • If we are talking about transfer to another organization, the initiator of the action and the agreement of the parties are indicated.
  • During admission to a new job, the fact of transfer is indicated.


  • When dismissing an employee, the real reason is indicated (failure to comply with duties, at his own request, in connection with a transfer, and others).
  • The employer must supplement the data with an article corresponding to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation under which the dismissal is carried out.
  • All records are confirmed by the seal of the enterprise, signatures of responsible persons and the employee himself.

Part-time work: TC is carried out at the main place of work. At the request of the employee, data on part-time employment is indicated, subject to the provision of documents confirming this fact.

How to record a resignation

The entry into the labor record is made in accordance with the order of the employer (exactly in the form that is in the order, without abbreviations). The basis for dismissal is indicated (Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), for example: “Dismissed at his own request, paragraph 3 of part 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.” An example of filling out a work book on this basis is presented below.

If the termination of the employment relationship has other reasons, for example, loss of trust, then a link to the article is used, the entry is as follows: “The employment contract was terminated due to the commission of guilty actions by an employee directly servicing commodity assets, giving grounds for loss of trust in him on the part of the employer, paragraph 7 part 1 article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation." Regardless of the reason for leaving, the employee is familiarized with this record and given a document form in hand.

The record is certified by the signature of the manager (or an authorized person) with a transcript, and the seal of the enterprise is affixed (provided that there is one). As a sign of familiarization with the record, the employee puts his signature on the form, indicates his last name and initials. Deciphering the signature is an important point, since the last name must match the data indicated on the title card. After this, the employee signs in a book (some call it a journal) recording the movement of labor and inserts to them.

Correctly filling out the work book (2020) is extremely important, especially in light of the latest pension legislation reforms. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will not accept documents that are completed incorrectly, or simply will not take into account the period of a person’s work that was completed with errors. Someday we will all retire, and we don’t want to spend that time correcting other people’s mistakes.

Expert opinion

Novikov Oleg Tarasovich

Legal consultant with 7 years of experience. Specializes in criminal law. Member of the Bar Association.

The work book, filling out, is not limited to filling out the title page and the section on work; the work book contains another section - information about awards and incentives.

Typical mistakes when filling out

Let's look at the typical mistakes that an employer or his authorized person makes when filling out employee work books:

  • Most often, it happens that the employer allows abbreviations (in the date, in the name of the employer, in the full name). As we have already found out, this is strictly forbidden, so be careful and double-check that all information is complete.
  • Use of Roman symbols. It has also already been stated that only Arabic numerals are acceptable.
  • Correcting mistakes with a simple strikethrough. We discussed the procedure for making corrections above.
  • Inconsistency of the full name in the employment record with what is indicated in the passport. Be sure to double-check that this information matches.
  • Indication in the “Profession” column on the title page of the position for which the employee is being hired, and not the profession according to the diploma.
  • Lack of required signatures and seals.
  • Failure to comply with deadlines for entering information into the work book. We discussed the deadlines above.
  • Lack of reference to the paragraph, part and article number of the Labor Code when making an entry about the dismissal of an employee.
  • Making entries in the work book about penalties (except for dismissal as a disciplinary sanction).
  • Entering records of awards in the “Work Information” section. There is a separate “Award Details” section for this category of entries.

In this article, we tried to collect answers to all questions that may arise in the process of entering data into the work book. We hope this information will help you make your work easier and avoid unpleasant consequences and mistakes in maintaining this important document.

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