Changing passport data in a personal card sample

Registration of a personal card

For each employee, upon hiring, the personnel fund issues a personal card . The basis for this is employment orders and entries in the work book. The law does not contain direct instructions on the use of a unified form of card. The organization has the right to individually develop an acceptable form of this document.

The card reflects basic information about the employee - information about his passport, information about education, work experience and others. The basis for filling out is the supporting documents provided by the employee. The list of required documents is specified in Article 65 of the Labor Code of Russia.

Some data on the card must be certified with a personal signature, so it makes sense to draw it up on a documentary medium. It is not recommended to replace an old card with a new one. Part of the data can be certain, and if necessary, personnel funds will not have a complete picture of the employee.

At the moment, there is no legal act with clear recommendations on the procedure for maintaining personal records of employees. Inspection services may regard incorrect completion of this document or its absence as a violation of labor law. In this regard, HR employees have various questions when filling out a personal card. One of the most common is how to make a change to a personal card .

How and how long to store T-2 forms

There are no special rules for storing personal cards of employees in the legislation. But it is stipulated that they should be stored in places inaccessible to third parties. Special nomenclature folders are created for them, and it is impossible to store cards with personal files and (or) employment orders.

Another rule: T-2 forms of current and dismissed personnel are stored separately. After dismissing a person, the employer is obliged to keep his card for another 75 years.

, form T-2, 2020

Making changes to your personal card

The need to change information about an employee arises quite often.
Typically this happens if the employee: (click to expand)

  • Last name change;
  • Change of residence;
  • Obtaining a new passport;
  • Getting married;
  • Obtaining a new education, degree, qualification;
  • Vacation interruption;
  • Transfer to another job or position;
  • Reinstatement after dismissal, etc.

When making changes, you need to determine whether it is important to change existing information or supplement existing data.

If we are talking about changing existing data about an employee, for example, last name or residence address, then the old information is crossed out with one line. New information is written above outdated data or to the right of it. Some personnel officers prefer to clarify the details of the papers on the basis of which a new entry is made. However, it should be noted that the law does not directly provide for this. The entry of new information must be certified by the signature of a personnel service employee specifying the date.

In the same way, incorrectly specified data or errors made in them will be corrected.

Important! Sometimes you need to supplement existing information with new ones. For example, when an employee receives a new qualification or new education. In this case, additional entries are made. If there is not enough space, then an insert form is drawn up, where additions and information are added.

Let's consider an example, for example, an employee changes his last name, it is necessary to make adjustments to the personnel papers. One of them is a personal card. A change in the surname of employees is also reflected in it. Let's look at how to do this without making a single mistake.

It is necessary to accept the application and issue an order.

Before making changes to your personal card, you must start with the employee’s statement. It is the employee who, with his application, initiates the entire process of making changes to personnel documents.

The employee's application must be accompanied by photocopies of supporting documents. After all, without them it will not be possible to prove the fact of a change in surname . In the usual case, these documents are both a marriage certificate and a passport.

After this, once the application is written, it is necessary to issue a decree. In agreement with him, personnel officers change documents, including recording corrections in the employee’s personal card.

The HR department creates a personal card for each company employee on his first day of work. Based on the order (instruction) on hiring, an employee of the personnel department fills out the employee’s personal card (form N T/2).

The personal card is corrected based on information from the following personal documents of employees: (click to expand)

  • passport or other identity document;
  • work book or form confirming work experience;
  • insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
  • military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service;
  • documents on education, qualifications or special knowledge when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training;
  • other information about the employee.

How to fill out point by point

Let’s say that economist Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov gets a job at Svetly Put LLC in February 2021. When hiring a new employee, the following documents will be required (based on them, data is recorded in the form):

  • identification;
  • work book (if available);
  • SNILS;
  • military registration documents;
  • documents on received education and qualifications;
  • other papers, if they are required for admission to perform a job function.

The personnel officer also needs a hiring order.

When all the papers are collected, proceed to draw up the form. The fully completed document is available for download at the end of the article, but for now let’s look at how to fill out the T-2 card: a sample of filling out each item will clearly show the rules for entering information.

We start filling out the form from the header. Here you should indicate:

  • full and abbreviated name of the employing organization;
  • date of drawing up the card;
  • personnel number, INN (if available) and SNILS of the new employee, his gender (abbreviated as “M” or “F”);
  • the nature of the work - permanent or temporary;
  • type of work - main or part-time. In this cell, words must be written in full; abbreviations are not allowed;
  • the “Alphabet” field is filled in with the letter with which the employee’s last name begins (in our example it is “I”).

Section I is called “General Information”. Here are the following:

  • number of the employment contract and the date of its conclusion;
  • FULL NAME. employee, date and place of birth, citizenship;
  • degree of proficiency in a foreign language (one or more);
  • information about education and profession.

Already from the second line, HR officers have difficulties because they do not understand what codes need to be entered and where to get them from. OKATO code is the number of a settlement (its district) in the All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division. Changes are often made to it, so when filling it out, it is advisable to find out accurate information from trusted sources.

As for the abbreviation OKIN, it stands for All-Russian Classifier of Population Information. From this list of codes, which are divided into 293 categories, information is taken to fill out. For the convenience of readers, we give an example of filling out a T-2 card: a summary table of codes that will be needed when filling out lines 4, 5 and 6.

What to write in a line Which OKIN code should I indicate?
Line "Citizenship"
Citizen of the Russian Federation 1
Citizen of the Russian Federation and a foreign state (Republic of Belarus) (indicate in brackets the country of which the employee is a national) 2
Foreign citizen of the Republic of Belarus (indicate the country of which the employee is a national) 3
A stateless person 4
Foreign languages
English 016
Spanish 093
Italian 094
Chinese 114
German 171
French 258
Japanese 298
Other languages ​​(if they are not in the classifier) 299
Degree of language proficiency
Speak fluently 3
I read and can explain myself 2
I read and translate with a dictionary 1
Initial (general) 02
Basic general 03
Average total 04
Secondary vocational 05
Higher education - bachelor's degree 06
Higher education - specialty, master's degree 07
Higher education - training of highly qualified personnel 08
Professional education 10
Additional professional 12

Information about education must be supplemented with details from the diploma: who issued it and when, in what specialty. At least one line must be filled in. If in the future the employee brings additional education diplomas, this information will be added.

When filling out the tabular part, you will also need a code from OKSO - a classifier of specialties by education. In this part, it is allowed to write words abbreviated, but in such a way that the entry remains understandable. For example, "im." instead of "name".

In the next line - the seventh - you must indicate your profession. To do this, you will have to use OKPDTR - a classifier of worker professions, employee positions and tariff categories. The profession of economist has code 27728.

In the “Work Experience” field, fill in all lines (if possible). If it is not there, then only the first line is filled in - about the total length of service at the time of concluding the employment contract from the work book.

Let us remind you that the total length of service is the period of activity that gives the right to an old-age pension. Continuous takes into account only the period that is used when assigning benefits, and the length of service that gives the right to a long service bonus is work in certain government organizations in certain government positions (a detailed list is presented in Section II of the regulation approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 27, 2007 No. 808).

The data in the ninth line - “Married status” - is indicated taking into account codes from OKIN. The sample T-2 card we are filling out is issued to a married man. For this reason, we set code 2. All possible codes are listed in the table.

Marital status (what to write) Which OKIN code should I indicate?
The employee has never been married 1
Is in a registered marriage 2
Is in an unregistered marriage 3
Widower (widow) 4
Divorced 5
Broke up 6

The next line - information about family composition - is filled in according to the employee himself. It indicates any relatives at the request of the employer. But if the employee is married, spouses and children are usually included. If single - parents.

Lines 11 and 12 must be filled out according to your passport data. The registration address is written out from the identity card, and if it does not coincide with the actual one, then it is allowed to indicate another one, but also according to the employee. There should not be any difficulties when filling out this data.

HR officers have a lot of questions when they fill out section II of the T-2 form. We have prepared an example of filling out information about military registration in a personal card, which will help you understand all the intricacies. Firstly, you need to understand that the document is filled out differently for conscripts and those in the reserves. Conscripts have conscription certificates, and citizens in the reserve have military ID cards. Based on these papers, data is recorded. Let's consider each of these cases separately.

If a citizen presents an identity card, then in relation to him Section II is filled out as follows:

  • the first, third, fourth and seventh points do not need to be filled out;
  • in paragraph 2 we write that the person is subject to conscription;
  • in paragraph 5 we rewrite the information from the registration certificate. One of the symbols is indicated there: A (fit for military service);
  • B (fit for military service with minor restrictions);
  • B (limitedly fit for military service);
  • G (temporarily unfit for military service);
  • D (not fit for military service);
  • paragraph 6 is filled out from the assigned;
  • paragraph 7 contains a record if the person is reserved or has a mobilization order (stamp of extradition, seizure);
  • the last paragraph - 8 - is filled out if a certificate of deregistration is sent from the military registration and enlistment office.
  • All information specified in this section is certified by two persons: the employee himself and the personnel officer. The date of familiarization of the employee with the document must be indicated.

    If an employee is in the reserves and has a military ID, then all data is written out from it. The personnel officer does the following:

    • does not fill out paragraph 1;
    • the rank is indicated in accordance with the data in paragraph 5 of the military ID;
    • in paragraph 3 indicate the composition (profile), which is mentioned in the military ID - command or soldiers. You cannot shorten the words in this line;
    • paragraph 4 (“Full VUS code designation”) contains both letters and numbers. This information should be copied from the military ID without errors;
    • filling out points 5-8 is no different from the rules described for conscripts.

    Section III (hiring and transfers) usually does not cause difficulties, since it duplicates details from the relevant orders. The only thing you need to remember is that transfers to temporary work are not recorded. They also do not make entries when changing salaries.

    Sections IV-VII remain blank if the employee has not undergone certification and retraining, and does not have awards or honorary titles. But if the employee was sent for retraining and advanced training and brought a document on education, new information must be entered into the T-2 form - an example of filling out the type of advanced training in the T-2 card will show how to do this.

    But the next section, which contains information about vacations, is filled out regularly. This section looks like this:

    Please note that the table must include all types of leave that are provided to a person:

    • additional paid;
    • paid annually;
    • at your own expense;
    • for pregnancy and childbirth;
    • for child care;
    • training.

    If this section runs out of space to enter all the rest periods, you need to add more information to the sheet and enter new information into it.

    When indicating the vacation period, we recommend writing the start date in pen and the end date in pencil, so that if the vacation is postponed (for example, due to illness), the entry can be corrected.

    The sections “Social benefits” and “Additional information” should be filled out by the personnel officer as necessary.

    The last section, “Grounds for termination of an employment contract (dismissal),” is completed only after the person’s dismissal has been officially completed. It contains information from the relevant order on termination of the employment contract. A sample of filling out a personal card upon dismissal contains a link to the article of the Code of the Russian Federation under which an employee is fired. This page must be signed by the personnel officer and the employee himself.

    Changing the last name on your personal card

    So, the order has been issued, then you can begin to correct the entries in your personal card.

    Entries that have become irrelevant must be crossed out and new information written next to them. The old surname must be crossed out with one line so that the previous entry is visible.

    An employee’s personal card is considered a document necessary for maintaining personnel records. Its form (No. T-2) was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. According to Rostrud, non-state companies have the right to individually develop the form of a personal card by virtue of Part 4 of Article 9 of the Federal Legislation dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-Federal Law. Moreover, such a primary accounting document must contain all the necessary details established by Part 2 of Article 9 of Law No. 402-Federal Legislation “On Accounting” (Rostrud letter No. PG/1487-6-1 dated February 14, 2013).

    What should HR employees do if an employee changes his passport?

    To correct personnel documents, a verbal message about a change of name is not enough.
    The employee must submit original documents that confirm the change of personal data (clause 26 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225, clause 2. 3 of the Instructions approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69) . Such documents are a passport, which indicates the new surname, as well as a certificate of marriage or divorce, a certificate of change of surname.

    Make copies of the documents that the employee submitted, but there is no need to keep them in your personal file. The law does not require employers to keep copies of employees' personal documents. In the event of an inspection, Roskomnadzor will consider that you are processing excessive personal data, thereby violating the rights of an employee (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North Caucasus District dated April 21, 2014 No.

    It would not be superfluous to obtain an application from the employee to change her surname. According to the law, it is not necessary to formalize it, but this way you will have an additional written basis for changing personnel documents if you return the original passport and certificate. Ask to indicate the reason for the data change and details of the documents that confirm it.

    Issue an order to change the name in personnel documents in free form (sample below). Indicate the name of the organization, the date and place of its preparation, the serial number of the document, old and new personal data of the employee.

    Leave your personnel number the same. The order is signed by the head of the organization or another person authorized by him. Familiarize the employee with the order, as well as HR employees, the chief accountant, the head of the security service, and the IT department.

    The most problematic situation for employees of personnel departments of various organizations is considered to be the change of a civil passport by one of the employees. This can happen as a result of an emergency, such as loss or planned replacement after reaching the ages of 20 and 45 years.

    A sample of filling out a T-2 card begins with the so-called header or basic details of the organization.

    We enter the name of the organization and the eight-digit OKPO code.

    We enter information into a table in which we indicate the date of completion, the employee’s personnel number, his Taxpayer Identification Number (if available) and SNILS, the type and nature of the work (as in the employment contract), gender.

    In the “Alphabet” cell the first letter of the employee’s last name is placed.

    In the “Nature of work” cell, either permanent or temporary (if a fixed-term employment contract) is written.

    Enter the details of the employment contract.

    We record the employee’s last name, first name, patronymic and other personal data, including OKATO and OKIN codes. Sample filling, or how to fill out a personal T-2 employee card for this section, see the picture

    The OKATO code is a classifier on an administrative and territorial basis; Moscow has its own codes, St. Petersburg has its own, Chelyabinsk has its own. You can find the code on the Internet.

    The OKIN code is a classifier of information about the population. This classifier includes 293 sections, each of which contains a corresponding code.

    Degree of knowledge of a foreign language, in this case English, the employee’s personal card may contain:

    • reads and translates with a dictionary;
    • reads and can explain himself;
    • is fluent.

    Next, fill in the educational information in detail.

    If a person has two higher educations or an employee has additionally received postgraduate professional education, the T-2 card has additional columns.

    In paragraph 7 we indicate the profession that the employee received as a result of training at an educational institution. If there are two or more professions, indicate the one for which the employee was hired.

    We enter the work experience as of the date of filling out the personal card, i.e. at the time of admission. We take information from the work book.

    Total length of service is the period of working activity that gives the right to an old-age pension.

    Continuous length of service is a period of working activity that is taken into account when calculating benefits, including temporary disability.

    The length of service that gives the right to a long service bonus is the time spent working in certain organizations and institutions and in certain positions, for example:

    • in the apparatus of the Defense Council of the Russian Federation;
    • in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
    • in the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court, etc. (for the full list, see Section II of the Regulations approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 27, 2007 No. 808).

    As the employee works in the organization, the employee’s length of service will naturally increase, therefore, in order not to cross out or use various proofreaders, initially write down information about the length of service in pencil, then, when the employee leaves, write it in with a pen.

    Next, we move on to the section on the employee’s marital status and the composition of his family.

    In paragraph 9, we indicate his marital status and marital status: married or single (if single, it is better to indicate in pencil; if married, write in pen; if married, write in pen; if divorced, indicate the document on the basis of which the marriage was dissolved).

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with: Act of compensation for damage in case of damage to personal belongings of hotel visitors

    We indicate the OKIN code for the state of marriage:

    • never been married;
    • the marriage is registered;
    • the marriage is not registered;
    • widower or widow;
    • officially divorced;
    • separated (when unofficially).

    The family consists of husbands, wives and children.

    In principle, you can indicate parents and brothers and sisters, but this is at your discretion (spouses, by the way, are not close relatives, this relationship is inherent, not blood).

    Next, fill in your passport and registration information, simply rewriting them. See below for a sample of filling out the T-2 form.

    The date of registration at the place of residence can be found in the stamp in the passport.

    A telephone number is necessary for communication: for example, an employee did not show up for work, you can call and find out what’s wrong with him. It is advisable to take a second telephone number from the employee for communication (from practice).

    Perhaps the most difficult section in this document is filled out based on:

    • certificates of a citizen subject to conscription for military service (conscripts);
    • or military ID (in reserve).

    Based on the order (instruction) on hiring, the personnel service employee fills out the employee’s personal card (Form N T-2). The personal card is filled out based on data from the following personal documents of the employee:

    1. documents on education, qualifications or special knowledge when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training;
    2. passport or other identity document;
    3. insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
    4. other information about the employee.
    5. work book or document confirming work experience;
    6. military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service;

    So, the order has been issued, and you can begin to correct the entries in the card (section 1 of the instructions, approved.

    Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1). Entries that have become irrelevant must be crossed out and new information written next to them.

    As for the last name, it is indicated with reference to the passport.

    The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains current provisions that if any information is not included in employment agreements, they cannot be officially declared invalid or even terminated.

    In the future, the relevant agreements must be supplemented with missing information. In this case, the information is entered directly into the text or an additional document can be drawn up.

    A change in personal information in some cases quite significantly affects the course of a career, and government contributions in the form of pensions or benefits.

    45 “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries (approved.

    RF Armed Forces 02/11/1993 N 4462-1) (as amended on 04/05/2013) notaries do not accept for notarial acts documents that have erasures or additions, crossed out words and other unspecified corrections, as well as documents executed in pencil.

    Thus, if a correction is simply made to the employment contract by crossing out one surname and adding another surname, then the employee will simply be deprived of the opportunity, if necessary, to notarize a copy of this document.

    INFORMATION ABOUT MILITARY REGISTRATION”, in accordance with the military ID (temporary certificate issued in exchange) or the ID of a citizen subject to conscription for military service: 1) enter the reserve category (this item is not filled out for reserve officers);

    2) indicate the employee’s military rank, or write the phrase “subject to conscription”; 3) indicate the composition (profile) - “command”, “soldiers”, etc.; 4) we put down the full code designation of the VUS, which can be digital or alphanumeric;

    5) indicate the category of suitability for military service (from “A” to “G”); 6) indicate the name of the military commissariat at your place of residence; 7) if the person is on general or special military registration, we indicate this information in pencil.

    No. 475 (hereinafter referred to as the Employment Contract), the following changes: 1. In connection with the change of the employee’s surname in connection with the registration of marriage (Marriage Certificate series No. issued “”), change the surname “Ivanova” to “Zaitseva” in the preamble of the employment contract.

    2. Change in the section “Addresses and details of the parties” of the employment contract “the surname of the employee “Ivanov” to “Zaitsev”. 3. All other terms of the employment contract are considered unchanged and binding on the parties.

    Our article will help answer it.

    Registration of a personal card Making changes to a personal card Results Registration of a personal card For each new employee, upon hiring, the personnel service issues a personal card.

    Step-by-step instruction!

    You must ask your employee to bring documents that confirm changes in personal information . If an employee has changed her last name due to marriage, then her marriage certificate and a new passport are needed. If you change the address of your place of registration or temporary registration address, you will need an employee’s passport or a certificate of temporary registration. Make a photocopy of the documents you brought. Place copies in the employee's personnel file.2

    Cross out outdated data with one line on the employee’s personal card, and carefully enter new information on the right or top. Next to them, indicate the details of the document on the basis of which the changes (marriage certificate, passport, etc.). Certify the changes , that is, you must indicate your position, affix your signature and transcript of the signature, and the date the change . 3

    Carefully cross out the incorrect entry in the employee’s personal card with one line if you accidentally made a mistake when filling it out. Above the error at the top or on the right you must indicate the correct information, next to it you must write “Believe the corrected” and certify the correction with your signature.

    You can print a personal card page, specifying new information about the employee in the appropriate section. In this case, a note is made on both pages of the card (new and old) about the replacement made due to changes in the personal information about the employee.

    IMPORTANT! If any section of an employee’s personal card is completely filled out, then fill out and print out an insert sheet for it, making a note about this at the end of the completed section of the card.

    What to do if the section is full

    Let's consider an example, for example, the “Vacation” section was completely filled out, or for example, or “Hiring”. Traditionally, in such cases, additional insert papers are produced in practice. In this case, the identification details of the personal card (personnel number, last name of the employee, etc.), section title and section table are printed. You can assign titles and numbers to loose sheets, for example, “Loose sheet No. 1 to a personal card” or “Addition No. 1 to a personal card.” To prevent loose sheets from getting lost during operation, it is recommended to sew them together. At the end of each completed section, a note is made indicating that a loose leaf has been added to the section.

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