Reliable and legal ways to protect an elderly person’s apartment from scammers

Elderly people, especially those who live alone, are often victims of attackers. And if an elderly person owns an apartment, then they are definitely guaranteed interest from scammers!

Despite many warnings published by the media, old people are still naive, easily deceived, as a result of which they remain on the street and lose their own housing. In such a situation, the blame definitely falls on children and close relatives who were unable to provide the required supervision and stop it in time during the fatal mistake.

Of course, it is impossible to monitor an elderly person around the clock. And with a strong desire, attackers will be able to get close to any person without exception - even the most cared for old man.

Therefore, the best way to protect ourselves is through legal means, rather than enhanced security and surveillance measures. Let's look at options for protecting an elderly person from scammers.

How to inspect an elderly person with the right of inheritance

  1. State. This option is most practical for older people, since the government guarantees minimal but constant care.
  2. Most often, strangers or distant relatives who lay claim to the property act as renters.
  3. As an option, some people consider the services of companies that are looking for a suitable candidate. The method is unprofitable, since the company takes a large percentage for its activities.
  • There is no need to make a will.
  • The owner's place of residence remains in the same place.
  • Household ownership is re-registered to the renter.
  • The document is a simplified version in which all points are written down by the compiler.

Caring for an elderly person with the right to inherit their home

Caring for an elderly person with subsequent inheritance of housing is accompanied by legal registration. The contract and will, certified by a notary, will become the basis for entering into the right of inheritance. When drawing up a contract, it is necessary to take into account various aspects that will reduce risks for both parties. In particular, we are talking about conditions of detention, possible provision of medical care (with appropriate education and experience), and the impossibility of termination without clearly defined grounds.

The situation is no easier for the renter. Most often, those who look after the elderly are afraid to get involved with strangers, so that previously unknown relatives do not later come to light and apply for housing. Although such situations are not uncommon among friends. Trying to find potential rent recipients through a company is a thankless and ineffective task. They will eventually select a suitable option for you, but they will demand a significant amount for it. Considering the fact that you will already have to pay rent, additional expenses may negate all the benefits of such an enterprise. Get ready for a long search and numerous rejections. Otherwise, you risk falling into almost slavish dependence on the contract, which will then be difficult to terminate without significant consequences.

Care for the elderly for an apartment

After the transaction is completed, the heir is issued ownership documents. But it should be borne in mind that full ownership of the property will begin only after the death of the current owner. This means that during the period the rent is valid, the payer must comply with the terms of the contract in the form of assistance to the old man, and the apartment receives an encumbrance. When care for a pensioner is terminated in exchange for an apartment due to the death of the owner, the encumbrance is also removed. For the new property owner, this means that he can dispose of the property at his own discretion without legal restrictions. But, again, there may be several recipients of the annuity, so the death of one of them does not imply the removal of the encumbrance.

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Oddly enough, rent payers incur no less risks. First of all, you should calculate your financial capabilities. Delays in rent payments occur not only due to malicious intent, but also due to the lack of such opportunities. This is not necessarily related to the payment of rent - the cost of medicine, buying groceries and simply providing assistance with a loss of time often results in monetary expenses. However, caring for an apartment often includes paying rent and utilities. There are cases when old people themselves refuse such help, after which they rush to court to terminate the contract. It is worth remembering that if such a claim is satisfied, all previous expenses will not be returned, and the inheritance will lose its relevance. It is very simple to insure against such situations - just keep a journal indicating payments and signatures of the owner.

Care for pensioners in exchange for an apartment

The topic of the article is quite delicate: “Caring for the elderly for an apartment.”

However, this topic is relevant for many pensioners who, for some reason, are left alone: ​​without relatives and close people who would help them with the most ordinary things: go shopping, pay utilities, cook food, clean the apartment, etc. d.

And then complete strangers, strangers who agree to care for the elderly in exchange for their real estate, may respond to help.

How to find an elderly person and enter into an agreement with him so that neither he nor the person caring for him is deceived?

How to document care for pensioners in exchange for an apartment in 2021?

There may be several options:

  1. Make a will for a person.
  2. Prepare a deed of gift.
  3. Conclude an annuity agreement - lifelong maintenance for an elderly person.

Making a will

There are many such situations when a stranger caring for a grandmother is confident that the property will go to him in exchange for her apartment, because the old woman has drawn up a will with a notary.

No matter how it is! A will is the most uncertain type of transaction for a caregiver . And all because:

  • the testator can rewrite the will several times without notifying the person to whom the apartment is bequeathed. And if the relationship between the caregiver and the old woman has deteriorated, then the grandmother can safely change her point of view and change her will;
  • Often, after the death of an apartment owner, his relatives, whom the caring person has never even heard of, try to claim the rights to real estate. As a result, if he wants the apartment to go to him, there will be a long trial. And the court does not always side with the person to whom the apartment was bequeathed.

Making a will for a caregiver is convenient for the apartment owner. So, he receives sincere care and support, he disciplines the guardian.

But for a guardian, drawing up a will is not a suitable transaction option, because the old woman can change her mind at any time, change the will, or even sell the apartment. And then he will be left with nothing.

A person who wants to care for a lonely elderly person in an apartment must understand that if a pensioner in his old age is left completely alone, without relatives, friends and acquaintances, it means that he does not have such a simple character.

He can be conflicting and quarrelsome. Otherwise, such an old man would be surrounded by relatives, children, grandchildren, and friends.

Registration of a deed of gift for an apartment

Care for the elderly in exchange for an apartment can be documented by concluding a gift agreement . But in this case, unlike the previous one, the benefit will be on the side of the one caring for the elderly person.

After all, according to the donation agreement, the apartment becomes the property right during the pensioner’s lifetime. This means that the person who cares for the elderly becomes the full owner of the property.

And here the most interesting thing begins: if this person is decent, then, of course, he will continue to care for the pensioner. But if his thoughts are only about the poor old woman’s apartment, then he can even kick her out of the apartment.

Of course, the old woman can appeal this case in court, but this process is very lengthy and, moreover, expensive.

Drawing up agreements on lifelong care for an apartment

It is best to document the care of single elderly people in exchange for an apartment by concluding a lifelong maintenance agreement with the right to inherit real estate.

This type of transaction is beneficial to both parties: both the one providing care and the one who needs this care.

There are two types of lifelong care agreement in exchange for an apartment:

  1. Rent agreement.
  2. Lifetime maintenance agreement.

Conclusion of a rent agreement

Under a rent agreement, one party (rent recipient) transfers property to the other party (rent payer) (Clause 1, Article 583 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In turn, the rent payer, in exchange for the property received, undertakes to periodically pay rent to the recipient.

Depending on the form in which maintenance funds will be provided (cash or in kind), the following types of rent are distinguished:

  • constant;
  • lifelong (lifelong maintenance agreement with dependents).

Under a lifelong maintenance agreement, one party (the alienator) transfers property to the second party (the acquirer) . In return, the acquirer undertakes to provide the alienator with lifelong maintenance or care, or both.

The peculiarity of this agreement is that the ownership of the property is transferred to the acquirer during the life of the alienator. At the same time, the alienator has the right to use this property for life.

But until his death, no actions (donation, pledge, sale) are possible. The notary places an encumbrance on the property.

Useful advice for the purchaser of property: record your material expenses as much as possible in the process of fulfilling obligations under the contract: collect checks, receipts, receipts, etc., that is, all documents that can prove your conscientious approach to fulfilling your duties.

In many everyday situations, concluding a lifelong maintenance agreement is the optimal way out and solution to the problems of those people who, for one reason or another, require care and maintenance.

What are the risks in a lifelong maintenance agreement?

  1. Damage or accidental destruction of property . In this case, the acquirer is not released from obligations under the contract and is obliged to continue to support the alienator, even in the event of a complete loss of property.
  2. Replacement of property .
    For example, according to the agreement, the alienator transferred an apartment, but after some time he inherited a residential building. Wanting to sell an apartment, the alienator may offer the recipient to replace the subject of the agreement from an apartment to a residential building.
  3. If the buyer turns out to be a fraudster, and the subject of the contract is an apartment, then there is a risk of ending up on the street . In this situation, you must immediately go to court to terminate the contract.

Useful tips for those who are planning to provide care for a pensioner in order to obtain an apartment

Before agreeing to the conditions of a lonely elderly person, you need to find out the following from him:

  1. Why did it happen that the old man remained lonely? Where are his children and relatives?
  2. Who had helped him up to this point?
  3. What health problems does he have?
  4. What will be required from the caregiver, what responsibilities will he have? What kind of agreement does he want to draw up?

Drawing up a care agreement (lifetime maintenance)

This type of agreement between a single pensioner and a person who has agreed to care for him must be concluded in writing by a notary. Both parties to the contract must be present during the conclusion of the agreement.

They must have the following documents with them:

  • passports;
  • TIN (identification code);
  • statements from a pensioner and someone who is ready to support him for life in exchange for an apartment;
  • documents confirming the pensioner’s ownership of the apartment;
  • cadastral passport (technical passport).

Advantages of concluding a lifelong maintenance agreement:

  1. The pensioner has every right to terminate the contract if the purchaser of the property does not fulfill his obligations specified in the contract.
  2. The purchaser's expenses spent on maintaining the pensioner upon termination of the contract are not compensated to him.
  3. If the financial situation of the owner of the apartment worsens sharply and he will not be able to support the pensioner, then he can terminate the contract and return the apartment to his own ownership.
  4. In the event of the death of the purchaser of the apartment, the obligations under the agreement on the lifelong maintenance of a single pensioner pass to the heirs of the deceased. Those, of course, can refuse to comply with the terms of the contract, but then the apartment will return to the alienator.
  5. Until the death of the alienator, the acquirer of the apartment does not have the right to perform any actions with it: change, sell, give, rent, and so on.
  6. In the event of the death of the alienator, the purchaser of an apartment is obliged to organize a funeral, even if this clause was not specified in the contract.

How to find an elderly person to care for in exchange for his apartment?

When caring for an elderly person for an apartment is required, many people have a logical question: “Where can I find a decent pensioner or, conversely, a person who will not deceive the old man and will fulfill all his requests?”

There may be several options:

  1. Through relatives, friends, acquaintances . This is the most correct option, because the risk of being deceived is minimal, because the elderly person is known to friends and acquaintances.
  2. Through advertisements in newspapers . At the same time, a person who wants to care for a lonely pensioner can either place an advertisement himself so that he can be found, or he can independently search for suitable offers. Don't look for advertisements on the Internet. Old people don’t post ads this way; scammers often take advantage of it. Where can I find advertisements in Moscow? There are many home visiting services on the Internet that help in finding caregivers or assistants to care for the elderly. You can also find private advertisements.
  3. Through word of mouth . This method is tedious and time-consuming, but can be effective. You need to gain confidence in the old women who sit on benches from morning to evening, talk to them, find out who needs help. And then, as if by chance, meet a lonely old woman and offer her your services.

Patronage for the elderly in exchange for an apartment

If a pensioner cannot cope with basic tasks (cannot dress himself, go outside without help, go to the store for medicine, etc.), then it is preferable for him to apply for patronage or guardianship.

Few people decide on such a service, because often a sick elderly person needs constant care.

Therefore, it is assumed that a nurse or guardian will live free of charge in the apartment of a single pensioner, and at the same time be sure to help him, fulfill his requests, instructions, and manage property for the benefit of the pensioner.

Such relationships must be documented - you need to draw up an agreement.

But here it is necessary to take into account an important point: the fact of the help of the person providing patronage in no way makes him a contender for the apartment of a lonely pensioner.

Of course, if the elderly person wants it, he can transfer property to his assistant, for example, make a will in his name.

An apartment in exchange for lifelong care for an elderly lonely person - what could be simpler? In fact, this is a responsible matter that requires patience, endurance, and the ability to find a common language with a pensioner.

Care for the elderly in exchange for their real estate must be documented . You can’t trust your grandparents’ words. It is best for both parties to draw up an annuity or life support agreement.

But it’s not worth drawing up a will or a gift agreement, because in this case one of the parties necessarily suffers: either the pensioner or the person who cares for him.


How to arrange care for inheritance

When applying, please note that a certificate from the place of residence of the testator is issued in the absence of all debts and encumbrances. The issued notarial certificate is the basis for applying to the state registration agency. After completing the re-registration procedure, the property has a new owner, who is issued a certificate of ownership.

In a standard situation, a will must be drawn up, and when signing the annuity agreement and the will, it makes sense to invite two witnesses. Such precautions will protect the trustee from possible disputes with relatives when registering an inheritance. This action is permitted by law and official confirmation of the citizen’s will by witnesses strengthens the position of the future heir.

Focus on the main points

The issue of payment is one of the most important. The amount must be specified in the contract. It is imperative to clarify whether this figure is fixed, or whether it can be indexed without prior notification to the client. The customer must be protected from unpleasant surprises. In the event of a fee increase, the client (or his representative) must be notified of the changes several days in advance. Also, the document indicates who exactly will pay the fee: the client himself or one of his relatives.

When getting acquainted with the standard form of the contract, it is important to study all the specified details: exact name, legal and actual address. If the boarding house is part of a particular network, the documentary and actual addresses may not match.

Caring for an elderly person with the right to inherit housing: a mutually beneficial agreement

It provides for the payment of a monthly rent, which can be expressed either in a certain amount of money or in services. Within the framework of such relationships, rent can be represented by the provision of clothing, food, medicine, etc. The transaction indicates what property the caregiver will receive as gratitude after the death of the ward.

It is important to discuss, agree on and describe the remaining conditions in as much detail as possible in the contract. This will protect both parties from possible mutual reproaches. In addition, such documents are an important part of the evidence base in case of litigation on controversial issues. As a rule, they arise due to the fact that after the death of an elderly person, relatives claim the housing of the deceased. The document will allow you to prove that the property became the property of a person by right and at the will of the testator.

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Prohibition on registration of any transactions with housing without the personal presence of the owner

This option is not entirely reliable (unlike the first), but it should not be neglected if there are concerns, and the elderly person is categorically against the re-registration of ownership of his residential premises. The legislation allows all property owners to include a mark in the state register, which implies a prohibition of registration without their personal presence.

If such a mark occurs and the owner is absent during the transaction, then the Rosreestr employee will not register the transfer of housing under the transaction. In such a situation, even a power of attorney will not help register the transaction.

So the scammers will have to personally escort the pensioner to complete the transaction, and in this case the chances of a successful crime are significantly reduced.

What date is Elderly Person's Day celebrated?

Lifetime maintenance agreement with the right of inheritance of housing

A safe contract formula, when the parties know each other well and the likelihood of an unpredictable result, is nonsense, although quite possible. But even in this ideal case, those who rely on housing may ultimately not fully appreciate their strengths.

The first thought is to get an apartment so cheap! But does a person, when concluding a lifelong maintenance agreement with the right to inherit a home, know in advance what and how he will have to face? Prices are rising day by day, but this is a dubious “sort of” argument... But death will not occur immediately after the conclusion of the contract.

Rent agreement

The concept of annuity in the generally accepted sense denotes constant income received regularly at specified time intervals.

The deal for caring for citizens of retirement age in exchange for their apartment is concluded precisely on the basis of a rent agreement. There are several options for rental agreements.

In relation to the transfer of an apartment, two options for a rent agreement are used:

  • life annuity agreement;
  • lifelong maintenance agreement with dependents.

Their difference is that in the first option, the owner of a retirement age apartment regularly receives from his trustee the amount specified in the contract, which is paid to him for life, and the second option implies the guardian’s responsibilities for the care and maintenance of the elderly citizen, also for the rest of his life.

His responsibilities include purchasing food, clothing, medicine, maintaining the apartment in proper condition, including repairs and cleaning, paying for utilities, hiring a nurse, calling doctors, paying for operations and hospital treatment, etc. The contract usually stipulates the responsibilities for organizing the funeral of an elderly person.

Advantages and disadvantages of annuity options

An annuity agreement, including the condition of lifelong maintenance of its recipient, is reflected in Article 583 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. After its conclusion, the payer receives ownership of the ward’s apartment. However, he may lose this right upon cancellation of the rental contract. This can happen if he fails to fulfill the conditions specified in the contract, for example, if he fails to pay the specified amounts for a long period.

When concluding a lifelong maintenance agreement with a dependent, a similar situation may also arise. But in this case, if the elderly citizen is dissatisfied with the guardian, it will be more difficult for the latter to prove that he is right, because The services provided here are diverse and have many nuances, which are difficult to prove, unlike the first option, where the service delivery scheme is transparent, because expressed in monetary terms. If the contract is cancelled, the funds spent by the guardian on caring for the pensioner will not be returned to him.

Expert commentary

Kireev Maxim


It is important for the guardian to keep all receipts, certificates of repair work in the apartment, utility bills, etc. Witness testimony is of great importance for defending his interests.


In rental relations, the recipient of the rent has his own benefits. They are as follows:

  • under a rent agreement with the alienation of an apartment, the elderly citizen retains the right to live in it for life;
  • the rent payer, having the right to sell the housing received, does not get rid of the responsibilities for the care and maintenance of an elderly citizen;
  • in case of untimely payment of the assigned rent by the guardian, the ward may demand compensation payments;
  • the annuity recipient has the opportunity to cancel the contractual agreement at any time in the event of dishonest performance of duties by the payer.
  • When signing an annuity agreement, the payer pays the security deposit specified in the agreement.

The advantages of the payer of annuity obligations are:

  • official registration of ownership of the rent recipient's apartment;
  • collected documents, certificates, checks, receipts of the recipient and other evidence in defense of their rights in the event of claims from an elderly citizen.

Caring for an elderly person for an apartment is a freebie or hard work

Good afternoon. I know that this is not easy, I know because throughout the city of Dnepropetrovsk there were advertisements posted with the text “A YOUNG FAMILY WILL PROVIDE HELP TO AN ELDERLY PERSON FOR THE RIGHT TO INHERIT A HOUSING (I PROVIDE MEDICAL CARE)”) and before my eyes these advertisements were immediately torn down. I apologize, please help us , my husband and I have a small daughter, my husband’s parents are not very happy to see us at home, and we will probably not earn money for our apartment soon. Therefore, I will gladly look after an elderly person, feed, wash, change clothes, I have the skills since my mother is disabled I GUARANTEE INTEGRITY. Thank you.

Hmmm. People, wake up, why are you all chasing square meters. Remember, everyone comes up with problems for themselves. But you need to live where there is an opportunity to buy housing, look at the prices, in the regions, houses sell for pennies. And you need a few hands. Remember the words “Everyone is the builder of his own happiness .

Details of screening of elderly people in exchange for the right to inherit living space

  • other citizens are registered in the premises, they must give written consent to the transfer of property to another person and have it notarized;
  • the donee is a minor child or an incapacitated person, then the agreement must be signed by a representative on his behalf;
  • movable property is transferred as a gift, then the contract does not need to be certified by a notary; when transferring real estate, the document must be notarized;
  • If you need to share something with another person, you should clearly indicate in the deed of gift his personal data, as well as the parameters of the transferred object.

Often, citizens are simply introduced to make a transaction, i.e. they are strangers; in another case, the agreement is concluded between relatives. You can use the services of special companies, but this method is the most unprofitable, since the percentage for the service is quite high.

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So that reality does not deceive expectations

The main focus of any contract is on the description of the living conditions - the client must familiarize himself with the list of services provided at the signing stage. It must be indicated how many people the room is designed for. This is important, since some institutions put extra beds in rooms that are not designed for a large number of people: such rooms are stuffy and cramped.

Each contract contains a clause on providing guests with bed linen, necessary furniture, interior items, personal hygiene, clothing, and shoes. Of course, there will not be an exact menu in the contract, but a general clause on nutrition should be present. Usually it states that the performer undertakes to organize a nutritious, balanced diet in accordance with established standards.

In accordance with the state of health, cultural work is carried out. If the contract does not contain a clause on this issue, the customer should not have any illusions about interesting leisure time.

If a bedridden patient is admitted to an institution, it is advisable to indicate in the contract that he needs separate, special conditions (provision of a functional bed, stretcher, wheelchair - upon request). This may lead to an increase in the cost of living, but this must be reflected so that the patient does not have problems during check-in.

A nursing home must provide not only comfortable conditions, adequate nutrition and medical care, but also the safety of each resident. This applies to territory security, video surveillance, fire safety measures - all this must also be indicated in the document.

How to arrange care for the elderly for an apartment? Features and deal options

However, it is more difficult to monitor the fulfillment of agreements: if the recipient does not fulfill his obligations to care for an elderly person, this can only be proven by the testimony of neighbors or relatives, although the court does not always take such evidence into account. In addition, unfortunately, there are often cases when an unscrupulous recipient contributes to the premature death of an old person due to poor nutrition, care, or failure to provide medical care.

When fraud is detected, the law often sides with the elderly person and cancels the transaction if it is proven that the apartment owner was misled. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find evidence of this, so it is better not to risk it.

Features and risks of caring for a pensioner in exchange for living space

One of the options to obtain ownership of an apartment is to care for an old man in exchange for his real estate. This method has become quite popular in the West and European countries. Here it is just beginning to take root, and therefore there are more and more announcements about the transfer of living space for care, as well as people who want to help elderly people for free.

In direct proportion to this, the amount of fraud on this basis is growing. Unscrupulous people can leave both a pensioner without living space long before his death, and a caring person without the promised property.

In this regard, we want to consider the nuances and features of contracts for lifelong care for an apartment, and tell you how to protect yourself from deception by apartment owners or unscrupulous people who promised care for an old person.

Benefits and risks for the retiree and caregiver

When considering a transaction to transfer an apartment in exchange for care from an elderly person, we would like to note the following pros and cons:

+ An elderly person receives maintenance;

+ The elderly person is provided with proper care and concern, attention and support.

– A pensioner may be left without an apartment due to an unscrupulous caregiver.

As for the benefits and risks for the person who will provide care in exchange for an apartment, they are as follows:

+ The caregiver receives living space in exchange for care or payment of rent (a certain amount of money);

– The pensioner will remain dissatisfied with the annuity and may terminate the contract;

– There is a risk of receiving claims from the legal heirs of an elderly person.

As you can see, the risks and benefits for each side are approximately the same. And to understand what to come to in the end, read the next block of text.

Ways to get an apartment in exchange for care

There are several ways to get an apartment in exchange for caring for an elderly person:

An elderly person draws up a will in the name of the caregiver. This document is a kind of protection for the apartment owner from an unscrupulous assistant. After all, he will be able to get his “square meters” only if he surrounds the old man with care and attention.

And this is far from a guarantee of inheriting living space. An elderly person can easily rewrite a will without notifying the caregiver. In this case, you will have to defend your interests in court, which is quite a troublesome and complicated process.

This option is more beneficial for the caregiver than for the apartment owner. After all, he receives real estate as a gift during the life of the elderly person. And in this case, the pensioner runs the risk of ending up on the street immediately after concluding the deal if he comes across a dishonest person. Of course, you can appeal his actions in court, but this is often a complex process and expensive for a pensioner’s wallet.

  1. Lifetime maintenance agreement with the right to inherit living space.

The last option is the most popular and benefits both parties at once. There are two types of lifelong maintenance agreement: a lifelong maintenance agreement and a lifelong annuity agreement.

In a life-long annuity agreement, the apartment owner agrees with the person to whom he transfers the property that he will pay him a certain amount of money (rent) for life. The amount and terms are specified in the contract.

If a lifelong maintenance agreement is concluded, then instead of paying monetary amounts, he is provided with regular assistance and care with the possibility of living in the same area.

Algorithm for drawing up a contract

The contract for the transfer of an apartment for care is subject to such procedures as notarization and state registration. Any notary can certify the transaction, and registration is carried out at the multifunctional center.

The agreement is concluded in any form, taking into account the provisions of the law. It is recommended to pay sufficient attention to the clauses of the contract. The text of the agreement certainly states the conditions under which the real estate is transferred. There are two options here: free of charge or for a fee.

If an agreement is concluded on the gratuitous transfer of housing to an elderly person, then this occurs under certain conditions and with an encumbrance. Encumbrances are removed only after the death of the apartment owner. In the event that the owner terminates the concluded contract, compensation for the costs of the caregiver is not provided.

It is recommended that older people obtain a mental health certificate before signing an agreement in exchange for care in order to protect themselves from further problems.

For those who are planning to care for a pensioner, we advise you to find out the following:

  • Why did the old man remain lonely? Where are his relatives?
  • Who had helped him before this time?
  • What health problems does he have?
  • What responsibilities will the caregiver have?
  • What kind of agreement will be drawn up?

Are you a pensioner who wants to give your apartment to another person for rent or for his/her ongoing care? Or are you going to start caring for an elderly person to get the desired housing? In this case, contact our Chistye Prudy agency. We will help you conduct the transaction as transparently as possible and avoid participation in various fraudulent schemes. With us you can be sure that:

  • you won't be evicted prematurely
  • you will certainly become the owner of real estate.

Call +7, leave a request or come to the office Chistoprudny Boulevard, 5. Metro Chistye Prudy, Moscow


If you have questions about the article, you can ask us by phone or fill out the application form. Our specialist will answer all your questions.

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Where to find a pensioner for a life annuity

To do this, you must: 1. make only monetary obligations (do not agree to care, cleaning, buying food, etc.); 2. establish monetary obligations that correspond to reality, i.e. you don’t need to sign up for a payment of 2,000 rubles, which you can’t live on, but immediately write the normal average market price of the subsistence minimum; 3. pay funds only through the bank.

I don’t understand why old people should agree to your unclear conditions if the state (Moscow government) pays them a large sum at a time, moves them to a separate room in Marino, to a new house; organizes care, medical care, leisure activities and monthly payments? They have someone to talk to, a library, a laundry service, etc. etc., actually spend the rest of their lives in a rest home. What for do they need a student who sleeps and thinks “when will the devil take you”?

Care for the elderly for an apartment

This option can be called mutually beneficial between the two parties. A method in which a caregiver receives the right to use property while the older person is alive in exchange for care and good care. This type of transaction is convenient for both the elderly homeowner and the person caring for him.

The option of registering housing by drawing up a will is very convenient for an elderly homeowner. Obtaining an apartment in this way disciplines the caring person and protects the interests of the lonely old man, since the latter will become the owner only after the death of the person under his care.

Making a will

There are many such situations when a stranger caring for a grandmother is confident that the property will go to him in exchange for her apartment, because the old woman has drawn up a will with a notary.

No matter how it is! A will is the most uncertain type of transaction for a caregiver . And all because:

  • the testator can rewrite the will several times without notifying the person to whom the apartment is bequeathed. And if the relationship between the caregiver and the old woman has deteriorated, then the grandmother can safely change her point of view and change her will;
  • Often, after the death of an apartment owner, his relatives, whom the caring person has never even heard of, try to claim the rights to real estate. As a result, if he wants the apartment to go to him, there will be a long trial. And the court does not always side with the person to whom the apartment was bequeathed.

Making a will for a caregiver is convenient for the apartment owner. So, he receives sincere care and support, he disciplines the guardian.

But for a guardian, drawing up a will is not a suitable transaction option, because the old woman can change her mind at any time, change the will, or even sell the apartment. And then he will be left with nothing.

A person who wants to care for a lonely elderly person in an apartment must understand that if a pensioner in his old age is left completely alone, without relatives, friends and acquaintances, it means that he does not have such a simple character.

He can be conflicting and quarrelsome. Otherwise, such an old man would be surrounded by relatives, children, grandchildren, and friends.

How to take care of an elderly person

Dear Elena Vladimirovna! Taking custody is possible only if there is a court decision declaring the citizen incompetent. That is, SERIOUSLY MENTALLY ILL. And provided that you are appointed as the guardian. But the guardian has no rights to inheritance. In addition, a municipal apartment is the property of the state, and only the property of a citizen who dies can be inherited.

What documents are needed in order to take guardianship of an elderly person with the right to inherit their home? Housing is not privatized. How to restore documents (passport) to an elderly person if the passport is lost and the person cannot restore it on his own due to health reasons?

29 Jul 2021 uristlaw 360

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