Sample of filling out a travel certificate...
How to fill out a travel certificate - sample
Emergency legal assistance for individual entrepreneurs > Sample documents > How to fill out a travel certificate -
Does unused vacation from previous years expire?
Has a new law on unused vacation for the past year been adopted in 2021 and
Conditions for receiving the insurance part of the pension
Payment of pension savings. Who is entitled to it and how to get it.
About 20 years ago, pension savings were divided into savings and insurance parts. Earlier
How to fill out an advance report of an accountable person
What is all this? An advance report is a primary document that confirms the amounts spent
Duration of maternity leave to care for a child
Duration of maternity leave by law in Russia in 2021: how many days does it last, how long can you stay after childbirth and is there an extension?
Duration of leave in Russia in 2021 before childbirth Prenatal leave is included in the total
Concept and signs of temporary disability: legislation
Article 183 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Guarantees for employees in case of temporary disability
As a child, we had a favorite time when we didn’t have to go to school to watch
Sample outfit
When and how piecework-progressive wages are applied - payroll calculation, pros and cons of the form
Home / Labor Law / Payment and Benefits / Wages Back Published: 03/03/2016
Employment contract
Oral agreements in labor relations: analysis of the courts and thoughts of the author.
An employment contract is a bilateral agreement concluded as a result of the emergence of rights and obligations between
How many days of sick leave are paid per year: the procedure for paying sick leave according to the law
Accounting employees should know how many days of sick leave are paid per year and how they occur.
How to receive a long service pension? Pension assignment, calculation, bonuses
Home / Labor Law / Payment and Benefits / Pension Back Published: 03/09/2016 Time
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