Application for personal income tax deduction for children in 2021: form of the Unified Standard Form
On March 1, 2021, GOST 12.0.004-2015 “System of occupational safety standards” came into force.
Home / Labor Law / Work record book Back Published: 06/19/2018 Reading time: 6
An employer's occupational safety and health policy is a public declaration by the employer of its intentions to comply
Additional wages for a person are accrued in certain cases and to specific categories of citizens. At
What is a special assessment? This is a whole complex of actions. It includes analysis of workplaces for
Traditionally, financial responsibility is associated with labor relations, and to a greater extent with the responsibilities of employees
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Greetings, my readers! Today we will talk about a rather sensitive issue. I'm almost sure
The standards for providing jobs to beneficiaries are established at the legislative level. Thus, the quota for disabled people is