Official subordination: rules and mistakes
Subordination between a boss and a subordinate - what is it, how to observe it
08/27/2019 0 1447 5 min. In a business environment, communication is very important because
what are misdemeanors
Examples of disciplinary offenses and possible liability for them
Home / Labor Law / Responsibility / Disciplinary Back Published: 05/21/2016 Reading time:
list of documents
Official work. Do I need to get a job officially?
the employer at the main place of work prohibits employees from working anywhere else; pensioners, people with disabilities
Liability of the head of the organization and its employees for damage caused to the company
The financial liability of the director is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and may arise if he
What is sanitary services and medical support for workers?
How is sanitary, medical and preventive services for employees organized at the enterprise?
“Budget organizations: accounting and taxation”, 2011, N 6 According to Art. 223 Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Can a salary be less than the minimum wage, in what case is this possible, where to complain if it is not legal
Can the salary be less than the minimum wage? When can you legally pay less than the minimum wage?
Labor legislation guarantees full and timely payment of wages to employed citizens. In this case, payment
What courses can be completed from the employment center - specialties and training conditions
Legal advice > Social security > Study from the employment center - rules for conducting training,
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How to calculate vacation, by calendar or working days
Author of the article: Yulia Kaysina Last modified: January 2021 97062 The Labor Code guarantees the right
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Insurance experience - what is it? This indicator is the sum of the citizen’s periods of work
Designation of time off in the time sheet
Home / Labor Law / Vacation / Administrative Back Published: 06/26/2016 Reading time:
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