Occupational Safety and Health
Of course, the job description is a local act with which the employee must be familiarized immediately
Conducting extraordinary medical examinations, in contrast to preliminary, periodic and daily ones, is practically not regulated by law.
Almost every position and profession requires compliance with certain safety measures. The employer undertakes to train his
07/06/2019 0 367 4 min. The basis of the social insurance system is monthly contributions that work
The concept of labor protection What is labor protection in an enterprise and why is it needed?
What is the SOUT card intended for? The SOUT card includes information: on unfavorable factors;
Which workers require medical examinations? Workers subject to periodic medical examination: traffic-related employees
The work book is the main document containing information about the employee’s work activity and his length of service.
An employment contract is a basic document on the basis of which relations between employees and employers are built.
Home / Complaints, courts, consumer rights Back Published: 10/05/2018 Reading time: 7 min